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ryze is the most retarded champ since along time, what the fuck was rito thinking..

When u have 4 stacks u have a fucking minigun, like the one in gta that 1hits cop cars


also TSM, and quite sad that reksai and lee sin both didnt gank once in the first 12min .. that shit never happens in korea/china, and will once again be exploited at worlds.

Feels so lame watching eu/na lcs when u know neither will perform when it really matters, expecially because tsm is pretty much qualified for worlds anyway (they will have most points when they get to the semi finals) and they should really focus on getting ALOT better instead of just letting bjergod carry them everygame or hope lustboy can throw good ulties.

Edited by X0
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Such a shame there's such a wide variety in how good players are at their respective roles - I really feel people like Bjergsen and Lustboy (to mention some) are just a lot better at their respective roles than their enemies and even their teammates.

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Plat 5 lols


But that was s5, so no idea what i had to do my placements again.... I  hadn't played in 3 months so probs why

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Yesterday I went 5/0 lucian at 5 minutes, enemy fizz went 8/0 at 8 minutes, #soloQ.



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Got demoted for a 4 loss streak, in 3 of these games someone in my team was 3/13 or worse.


rito trolling me report rito :kappa:

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So first time in ranked for a long time, been playing a little adc lately. However there was pre-set duo, whatever, they went graves and fiddle. No biggie, graves told me he mained adc. Perfect, free win.

No. this retard rushed thornmail first item on an adc

what the fuck

is this the new meta

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So first time in ranked for a long time, been playing a little adc lately. However there was pre-set duo, whatever, they went graves and fiddle. No biggie, graves told me he mained adc. Perfect, free win.

No. this retard rushed thornmail first item on an adc

what the fuck

is this the new meta

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