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soooooo is this patch coming any time soon  -_-


just skipped plat 3, going from plat 4 to plat 2


dafuk  :laugh:


just skipped plat 3, going from plat 4 to plat 2


dafuk  :laugh:

I didn't know I was in the presence of greatness :D. Are you NA or EU?



pretty sure there are people better than me here though


u know snipers? i think he was diamond last season or something insane



pretty sure there are people better than me here though


u know snipers? i think he was diamond last season or something insane

Fresh/Jordans diamond


Nice. When your MMR is that high you can skip divisions.


And yh Snipers hovers around Diamond 1/2


The new champ looks fkin sick.


2 guns


Yay a adc :")


i suck at adc maybe i should learn lol


On the PBE when played AP his ulti CAN do 7k dmg rofl.


bronze all the wayyyyyyy


Hey all you NA kids add me and play with me. My name is: Joughn. The better you are the more happy I will be.


i suck at adc maybe i should learn lol

ADC's imo are the most fun to play.


What do you guys think about Yi re-design. Seems like they nerfed ap yi, which in my opinion was the only viable way to play him besides jungle.


What do you guys think about Yi re-design. Seems like they nerfed ap yi, which in my opinion was the only viable way to play him besides jungle.

I was just about to buy him too... I guess I'll have to learn to jungle now if I ever want to play him.

Also, has anyone played the new adc?


Fuck master yi.. glad hes gettin ap ratios nerfed

New adc is only on pbe, cant wait to try him tho.. only good champ release lately has been zac so am excited yo


Fuck master yi.. glad hes gettin ap ratios nerfed

New adc is only on pbe, cant wait to try him tho.. only good champ release lately has been zac so am excited yo


cant wait to try out the new champs ulti its op as fuk


Its only pbe so when he comes out dont expect his ult to be like that, anyone kno if they said when he will be released?


Its only pbe so when he comes out dont expect his ult to be like that, anyone kno if they said when he will be released?


dont think theres a release date yet, but since aatrox just came out im guessing in like a month or so.


Its only pbe so when he comes out dont expect his ult to be like that, anyone kno if they said when he will be released?

dont think theres a release date yet, but since aatrox just came out im guessing in like a month or so.

When do you get your new laptop so we can play? :D




Its only pbe so when he comes out dont expect his ult to be like that, anyone kno if they said when he will be released?

dont think theres a release date yet, but since aatrox just came out im guessing in like a month or so.

When do you get your new laptop so we can play? :D



monday homie


AP yi is gone lol


AD yi is gonna be a terror though. In the jungle and top lane. He will be OP i reckon





Its only pbe so when he comes out dont expect his ult to be like that, anyone kno if they said when he will be released?

dont think theres a release date yet, but since aatrox just came out im guessing in like a month or so.

When do you get your new laptop so we can play? :D



monday homie



Good shit. 


AP yi is gone lol


AD yi is gonna be a terror though. In the jungle and top lane. He will be OP i reckon


Thanks for telling me how to play Yi from now on. :D


my lee sin is op

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