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euw server stability completely fucked me. was 88lp in plat 1. and me (9/2 with ahri) and someone else completely dced. lost 22 points



Edited by I Pk Virginz
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what are the chances i randomly come across ex foe in ranked loool

I played against that mid lane guy like 5x so far lol

U actually start to recognise names in mid plat now if u play late evening

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seriously how do u play adc against annie. legit no counterplay to flash tibbers

poke comps like varus mid xer and lulu are very obnoxious to play against


lux is probably her biggest counter, the longrange cc on her abilities makes it impossible to trade, eventually u just lose the lane unless u get help from your jungler


a good lb and zed can destroy a bad annie player, same with fizz just trade when she doesnt have her stun up

people say shes op but they're just tard who dont know how to play against her


theres a reason i have a runepage called "i hate lux players" lmao

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qss is pointless vs annie her burst will kill you before you react 


just go banshees if you're playing ad or get steraks gage if that item is still good

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Yesterday it was confirmed that Allan is the ''main ADC player'' that insta-locks Vayne, proceeds to go 2-13 and blames the team LOL


And grats Virginz, road to challenjour now?


EDIT: lmfao I'm in class atm, will be home in like 2 hours

Edited by Rordarok
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