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Probs best thresh ive played.


Me and josh were like 7/0 bot in 10 mins


i love thresh hes got so much cc


I was elise so was quite hard to carry on her.

Our bot lane was like 2/13 lol. There was a blitzcrank on like 15/3 lol

I fucking hate his grab.


Blitz = ezreal instalock




Probs best thresh ive played.


Me and josh were like 7/0 bot in 10 mins

lol their malz has no idea wtf hes building its crindge worthy


also thresh is one of my favorite supports

contributes alot to team fights, not to mention his hook > blitz

Posted (edited)

Lol j4 with a frozen fist, and that ez/malz wdf


i think blitz hook>thresh but everything else thresh is king

Edited by Wrecka
Posted (edited)

Why do people always tell me to build hurricane on Teemo? It's a shit item regardless of the champion imo.

Also, if i'm not building hurricane then what should I replace it with? PD? For Teemo that is.

Edited by Insecurities

Because teemo is worthless in tf and only good for split pushing


tf all about early game pressure.


I love the concept of him, but no one can play him correct lol. I can pick cards but just suck with using my R and shit



Nice farm... Bronze division?


tf all about early game pressure.

I love the concept of him, but no one can play him correct lol. I can pick cards but just suck with using my R and shit

This was about Teemo not Twisted Fate.


Because teemo is worthless in tf and only good for split pushing

Waaaat. I build ap teemo and his q does so much damage. Nashor's tooth or w/e its called is all I need. Srsly I think people underestimate his carry potential.


i like building teemo with onhit items but i dont play him much lol



Nice farm... Bronze division?

how old is that pic? i dont even remember posting it lol


and the build is terrible


so today in ranked everyone is trolling about because we we're all dc'ing. so we're jokin around havin a good time (wasted time) because we knew it was gonna be a loss forgiven thing. our jarvan never reconnects so its 4v5 trollmode in ranked everyone still lagging/dc'ing, then the lag and dc's go away, but j4 doesnt reconnect and we lose, luckily it was just a loss forgiven because of server lags all game


owait -17, no loss forgiven, g1 riot


demoted to bronze 1 for not playin ranked in a month or so ggwp


lols why didnt u play a game




lol. That veigar bot. 1 shotting everything.


Malz build. His first item was a tiamat which i told him to sell lol


lol why is it so hard to just build from the recommended items  :tongue:


Just played 2 games in ranked with Farmoil.


First game.


My lp + 26

His lp +3


Second Game

My lp +31

His lp +5




omfg if i could learn vayne... she has such potential.

brb, maining her.


Bronze div 2 placement. I'm apparently shit. Lost my last 4 ranked games for stupid shit. Had a game where we had a fed trynd and a really fed cait, but they talked so much shit they wouldn't team fight together. Every fight was 4v5 and the other would be off csing.


lol delta dat division 1 clamp


and that sucks jon alotta ranked games are lost because people dont cooperate  <_<


When i was on holiday i let a mate play ranked on my acc and he lost like 6 in a row so my mmr is fucked which is why im not liking ranked atmo


Only played like 6 ranked in last month, i just hate having to support someone who gets 80 cs 25 mins into the game lol

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