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plat 3? that's pretty beast mate. You only started like a year ago too wtf


Ya I'm the best gg


Carried Heism with my Lee Sin again, expected


Xin Zhao/ Zac jungle right now is OP af


im not a fan of ARAMS anymore, i have too many shit characters these days. Everytime i play i get like urgot or taric


Arams annoy me. They can be find but sometimes the teams are just retarded.

Finally made a EUW account. Ping isn't too bad


Arams annoy me. They can be find but sometimes the teams are just retarded.

Finally made a EUW account. Ping isn't too bad

Add l00p13st

Arams annoy me. They can be find but sometimes the teams are just retarded.

Finally made a EUW account. Ping isn't too bad

Add l00p13st
Will do. Only level 3 atm. Might see how much level 30s cost

Not too bad I guess


Arams annoy me. They can be find but sometimes the teams are just retarded.

Finally made a EUW account. Ping isn't too bad

Add l00p13st
Will do. Only level 3 atm. Might see how much level 30s cost
Around 15-20, I can help u find a good website :happy:



kayle vs yas? did you win your lane?


kayle shits on yasuo but i lost lane cause of early ganks :c

nice wards idiet


For some reason I cant see Kayle really shitting on a Yas in lane.

Posted (edited)


For some reason I cant see Kayle really shitting on a Yas in lane.

her ranged melee auto doesnt get blocked by windwall. if yas all ins you just exh+ult and hes dead.


you can only do this because you know yas so well, i wouldnt want to be a squishy kayle vs a yas. I versed a Yas top yesterday in a ranked game and went 10/0 on garen :]. 





i mean he was fucking shit, but still kinda funny

Edited by mlaK
Posted (edited)

Yas players are either trash or game carrying gods. There is no middle ground

Edited by mlaK

god knows


got penta in last promo game to gold4 like a baws


love these 10 min queues in gold

Posted (edited)

i feel sorry for tsms assholes


about to get penetrated by small korean dick

Edited by Lolsor

Its ok they are used to it, probably wont even touch the sides



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