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Yo radical the only common factor in all 328 of your games is you and looks like you lose more than win and stuck in gold so clearly that isn't the case..


Happens when you cant carry every game...


Yea cuz u belong in gold, if you were better than gold you would be able to carry most of the games and u would win more than lose


Yea cuz u belong in gold, if you were better than gold you would be able to carry most of the games and u would win more than lose


Nah I don't belong in gold lmfao. The people in here have no understanding of the game.

Posted (edited)

yeah so the enemy team must have no understanding of the game either abuse it and win no?


some games are unwinnable but idk how u can sit there on 330 games gold 3 and say u dont belong in gold elo hell doesn't exist and the majority of your wins and losses are determined by you

Edited by Heismberg

i've never said that allan u shit kid


u legit got a fucking ebay account from rordarok and boast about getting plat 2 when u got to it on a negative win ratio


even doopy is better than u

Was this a complement or a flame LOL
Posted (edited)

yeah so the enemy team must have no understanding of the game either abuse it and win no?


some games are unwinnable but idk how u can sit there on 330 games gold 3 and say u dont belong in gold elo hell doesn't exist and the majority of your wins and losses are determined by you


You also have to understand that you cant 1v5 carry in this meta, unlike last season.

Edited by Radical

u can 1v5 in any meta wtf lmfao get good


Haha, no.


this meta is actually so disgusting and that's because u can build full tank and 1v5 lmfao

B L l l T Z

dat gold 5 montage




wait what


wont remove zed ult anymore?


might have to make a comeback then


Lol gross gore banned on twitch


Qss nerfs were cruical. Back to banning zed lmao


what was gross gore banned for


drama + saying krepo slept with a 15 y/o to 10k viewers


Wonder who the girl streamer was


Anyone else read into the new dragons?


holy shit the new taric is crazy, have any of you played him?


holy shit the new taric is crazy, have any of you played him?

Just laned against him

God Bless

The Real Santa
Posted (edited)

im going ham on my new acc, wukong otp didnt play anything else yet, hopefully diamond tomorrow im at like D4 MMR now so I guess ill make it



Edited by The Real Santa


holy shit the new taric is crazy, have any of you played him?

Just laned against him

God Bless


yeah he is fucking jacked, that ult is stupid

B L l l T Z

im going ham on my new acc, wukong otp didnt play anything else yet, hopefully diamond tomorrow im at like D4 MMR now so I guess ill make it



looking good fam


thats an amazing win rate man, do you like playing Zed?

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