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the soraka doe XD


after not having played cait for a while and only playing hyper carries like vayne and twitch and short range carries like graves playing cait is a piece of piss lol..

never noticed it before but its so broken.. just push level 1 get your support to ward tribush and river and poke under tower with traps = rip


Every teamfight they focused me first even when i was behind my mates, so i died first and didnt get assists :(


And yeah after buying vayne i dont even play cait that much anymore, feels so weird.


btw insecurities you should get furor attachments on ad its tonnes better than aclarity


btw insecurities you should get furor attachments on ad its tonnes better than aclarity

I'll try that next game playing Vayne now haha.


never gonna get out of bronze 1 :C


Im in my promo series to bronze 1. Straight into elo hell for me I guess.


in my experiance, bronze was the place to be lol. No one trolled or went afk as they wanted to win


Come silver 4/5... different story


in my experiance, bronze was the place to be lol. No one trolled or went afk as they wanted to win


Come silver 4/5... different story

I've heard such horror stories about silver...






I liked silver more lol i wish i didnt stop playin ranked bronze is just dumb


3 promo series for d3, cant win  :angry2:


uno flame goin to be playin with the big lads soon


do you think you can get to challanger in future?


In NA its so hard to get into challanger. There are multiple people on 100lp and not in lol.


When you have people like WildTurtl who have 3 accounts in challanger and there can only be 50. Makes it hard.


Snipers is currently D1 on 34 points and gains/loses so little lol

Posted (edited)

do you think you can get to challanger in future?

Challenger is rare as fk to get into cause it's always full. Ppl have been at 100 pts d1 forever and haven't gotten it. Hard to stay in too. Plus all those smurfs like wildturtle/robxlee had like 3 accs each in it. 


Btw gl on d1 one flame, start streaming m8!!

wow delta same time much 

Edited by Wrecka

i dont think ill ever get into challenger, im not good enough


i can play well with some champs but my decisions are weaksauce when mid/lategame comes  :mellow2:


HOPEFULLY i can get into d1, but if i do i'd probs stop there, maybe play ranked just once in awhile, idk


maybe ill stream in the future but i'd have to do some research on how to set it up n stuff lol, and even then it'd probs just b for fun to see if i could get over 10 viewers.  :tongue:


I just threw one of my series games. Me being malphite had to engage in fights. I went to engage and mis took the range of my ult so I landed right in front of their whole team with my team behind me and they raped us all. Feels bad man.


I just threw one of my series games. Me being malphite had to engage in fights. I went to engage and mis took the range of my ult so I landed right in front of their whole team with my team behind me and they raped us all. Feels bad man.

lmfao been there, done that. Thank god it wasn't in a series game. Gl next time man



I just threw one of my series games. Me being malphite had to engage in fights. I went to engage and mis took the range of my ult so I landed right in front of their whole team with my team behind me and they raped us all. Feels bad man.

lmfao been there, done that. Thank god it wasn't in a series game. Gl next time man


yeah happens to all of us  :sad: just gotta learn from mistakes and move on  :tongue:


awkward moment when u think ur gonna hit a 5 man malph ult and u miss  :ph34r:


awkward moment when u think ur gonna hit a 5 man malph ult and u miss  :ph34r:


Posted (edited)


Edited by Farmoil
Posted (edited)

Had some gay ass duo que game with delta earlier

I was last pick so I could pick my ad situationally, they picked darius and blitz so i instalocked ez because late game you kite darius with iceborns and you just arcane shift outta blitz hooks. Anyway they tried ganking bot with varus blitz and jax jungle and our thresh (delta) died and i picked up a tripple so i thought it was ggwp but darius was shitting on our udyr and took inner turret because udyr some reason started roaming, he tp ganked bot when we were shitting on our lane (despite thresh getting hooked and killed a few times) and roamed mid just allowing darius free farm anyway ended up they took all 3 inhibs and veiger just insta gibbing me cus i didnt have cleanse/qss or mercs pretty gay

Tldr: fuck fed veigers and retarded top laners

Edited by Farmoil

lol i played so bad.


We kept getting ganked and i was wiritng an essay to our udyr. So im just stood there tapping D,Q,E, and its coming up in chat and not abilities ffs


lol veigar is rly annoying if u dont have anything defensive against him


and when ur typing and u need to use abilities to get away or something, thats happened to me like 100 times haha im just like WHY ARENT MY ABILITIES WORKING... *looks at chat* "eqweeeeeeeeeeeeee" gg


lmfao just had the biggest snowball game ever loool


our last pick vlad instalocked without speaking so our 4th pick had to support and she went morgana supp so I'm already a big pissed off because they are arguing in chat, game starts its cait and morg vs leona and ez I poke the ez out of lane level 3 and push to turret and we proxy the next wave, I go back pick up my vamp whilst ez comes to lane with the spirit stone but kept getting poked out (wasn't runing lifesteal quints) anyway long story short zac comes down to gank bot I get a triple and have inf edge at 9 mins push bot turret go mid push to inhib at 18 mins they surrender at 22 mins ggwp


ending kda was 14/0 but I suicide to fountain at end for shits and giggles


oh and our top lane vlad fed 0/7 and they were arguing in chat until we took nexus /cancer

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