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don't first pick azir




urf is hella fun - Malphite is a god


well you sure showed their lucian whats up XD


Akali is fun too lol. You just bash ur keyboard and ur set

The Real Santa

mfw i make a new acc cuz i got banned AGAIN and cba buying my 8th account literally

i try names and everything is taken, i type retards and it works without asking me if i really want this name xdxdxd




so you'll prob get a tempname and then they'll think your toxic which will result in you getting another ban.


whoever said plat 1 is the most toxic elo wasn't lying holy fk


always 1-2 bitches in the game crying at each other lmao

Posted (edited)

when my exams are over imma get back to dia 4-3 kappa

Edited by Heismberg

and come smash some TLP/EOP on trips ay heism. 

The Real Santa

14 day ban is a torture method

Posted (edited)

14 day ban is a torture method

Play rs in that time :] or make a smurf

Edited by mlaK



@@Allan @@-Lee- tell me why i cant win a game i try in but i can win a game where i troll the first 25 minutes?


because your adc went 21/4/12

Posted (edited)

when my exams are over imma get back to dia 4-3 kappa

mfw when heism says get back lmao

Edited by Nice Net

ppl go fuckin mental if u 1 trick a champ and u have a bad game "wow i guess u bought ur acc" ????????

u boosted fuk



Nice gains everyone but here is your weekly reminder that I'm the one true god of this game


I had my doubts early, since I got tped on and fucked up while everyone farmed.  But of course, ezreal late with a decent team is op af.



Posted (edited)


when my exams are over imma get back to dia 4-3 kappa

mfw when heism says get back lmao


ye maybe if u looked at the post above u would get the memo


was just joking around anyways tho

Edited by Heismberg

heism thinking hes good n sht 


if i started playing season 3 like u i'd be diamond 1/masters easy


if i can get to higher elo by playing less games and starting S5 but you can't by playing double the games and starting S3..


by saying that you're just calling yourselves dog shit at the game

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