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I need to get a new laptop. Anyone got anything good recommended? I wanna be able to play League with no problems whatsoever.

I wouldn't get a laptop tbh.

You can get a better computer by building one yourself for a cheaper price than a laptop


ordered a new computer. Should be here early next week hopefully


With another screen 144hz

Sry bout swedish shit lol...

that's a beast computer man nice
Thanks :happy:
Posted (edited)

including monitor? that'd really be pushing it.. then again any laptop you buy for 700 bucks would be too bad to play LoL on comfortably

Edited by mlaK

I guess you're talking about 700 american which is ~1000 new zealand dollars. Still wouldn't really get you a good gaming laptop, but I mean LoL dosn't take that much haha


yeah true. i asked lubo & he said he could whip me up a computer w/ $700 for LoL n shit. We'll see =))

You can get one for around 700 isch if you only plan on playing LoL.

What graphics do u play on ur current laptop?


yeah true. i asked lubo & he said he could whip me up a computer w/ $700 for LoL n shit. We'll see =))

You can get one for around 700 isch if you only plan on playing LoL.

What graphics do u play on ur current laptop?


yeah true. i asked lubo & he said he could whip me up a computer w/ $700 for LoL n shit. We'll see =))

You can get one for around 700 isch if you only plan on playing LoL.

What graphics do u play on ur current laptop?

Like in-game on league? I think medium w/ shadowing/eye candy/etc off.
You can easily get a comp for 700 if ur used to medium. 700 will prob get u to very high i think

u got shadows/character inking etc off and lowest possible settings without the game looking ugly?


It could most likely be your laptop overheating yes. But then again you mentioned ur laptop being really old. So buying a new one wont really go to waste ya know :happy:


i set mine to low settings works better now doesn't really look different. as long as the game can run well i dont give a fuck how my graphics look

Yeah but you'll still fps drop eventually. Laptops overheat easily

The Real Santa

ive always played on Very Low with everything that can be turned off off.

laptop life m8


yeah fuck graphics, you just need to be able to dodge them blitz grabs or morgana q's


doopy i told u this nigga got to plat 2 with a negative win ratio lmao


The Real Santa

still waiting for my fucking 14 day ban to be over so i can play diamond promos ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Posted (edited)

rip lBjP7l5.png

Edited by Heismberg

is anyone else getting ping spikes quite often on euw or is it just me and my shit net?


Kids are mad as fuck

I play with doopy and I can already tell I'm above him


damn havent kept up with league for couple of months now everythings changed


league gives me headaches these days, too tired to play after work. That shit is stressful


I'll always be the best

Lee 1trick.......

Jk ily. Gratz on Hc :happy:



I'll always be the best

Lee 1trick.......

Jk ily. Gratz on Hc :happy:


Ily <3

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