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Haven't played since they done that HUD update as really didn't like it (so like a year?)


Been really eager to get back into playing LoL but can't till I finish uni (in a week)


Has there been any severe updates in that time? Seen some new items and no idea who any of the new champs (Ekko+) are lol

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Haven't played since they done that HUD update as really didn't like it (so like a year?)


Been really eager to get back into playing LoL but can't till I finish uni (in a week)


Has there been any severe updates in that time? Seen some new items and no idea who any of the new champs (Ekko+) are lol



yeah season 6 is completely different. read up on the latest patch notes. also lucian is busted.

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Haven't played since they done that HUD update as really didn't like it (so like a year?)


Been really eager to get back into playing LoL but can't till I finish uni (in a week)


Has there been any severe updates in that time? Seen some new items and no idea who any of the new champs (Ekko+) are lol



yeah season 6 is completely different. read up on the latest patch notes. also lucian is busted.



Season 6 sucks dick, way to many brainless overpowered picks

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Fkn tank meta ffs


watch this


also been playing a lot of lulu mid recently. if you stay even and have a decent adc its a free win after 30 mins.

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