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If itembuilds make you lose ELO then you're doing something wrong xd


lol doopy aka allan v2


bulding triforce on yasuo now is like building a ludens echo on thresh.

No, just no lol.

Shic/Ie has a higher winrate than Pd/Triforce. You're freaking out lol.

New triforce is really good. I'm going to try it on kalista cuz yolo



bulding triforce on yasuo now is like building a ludens echo on thresh.

No, just no lol.

Shic/Ie has a higher winrate than Pd/Triforce. You're freaking out lol.

New triforce is really good. I'm going to try it on kalista cuz yolo



Triforce wouldn't work on kallista. You got nothing to proc it over and over again.


bulding triforce on yasuo now is like building a ludens echo on thresh.

No, just no lol.

Shic/Ie has a higher winrate than Pd/Triforce. You're freaking out lol.

New triforce is really good. I'm going to try it on kalista cuz yolo


Triforce wouldn't work on kallista. You got nothing to proc it over and over again.

Mate I throw W mid fights keepo




bulding triforce on yasuo now is like building a ludens echo on thresh.

No, just no lol.

Shic/Ie has a higher winrate than Pd/Triforce. You're freaking out lol.

New triforce is really good. I'm going to try it on kalista cuz yolo


Triforce wouldn't work on kallista. You got nothing to proc it over and over again.

Mate I throw W mid fights keepo





Doing good so far.


Nice, I remember going 10-0 and got gold 2.


Friend went 10-0 2 months before me and got gold 1 lol.

Let's see how u do gl m8


Mfw when silver elo players play better than high gold elo players.

Nice, I remember going 10-0 and got gold 2.


Friend went 10-0 2 months before me and got gold 1 lol.

Let's see how u do gl m8


Already lost one...




Had a bard as support who didn't use magical journey all game and didn't hit a single Q stun LLL.


annie ftw pm 4 tips


dont play anymore but just for the +1


dont play anymore but just for the +1


Posted (edited)





this is better



Edited by Radical

high elo yasuo main is going Triforce>frozen mallet>tank. hmmm

Might work.




high elo yasuo main is going Triforce>frozen mallet>tank. hmmm

Might work.


his build. idk why the spirit visage if no lifesteal though. Maybe Triforce>BT would be better if they don't have much mobile targets like ezreal,ekko,lucian,etc



death dance would be better than bt vs immobile champs




First proper game back.


yasou afk from the start, and then alister after they destroyed bot lane 


I'd say I carried 


man u still on that anivia 1trick l0l


Btw you dickheads moaning here about shit teams really need to just get gud at the game

You might be a division or two higher than you are currently in but if you play a 100 games and still feel you ''belong'' higher I can just tell you now shut up and get better.


Last time I played actively and made a smurf I went 35-6 to Diamond from unplaced, soloq with an AD page only and about 3 1350+ champions. There's nothing holding you back.


Doesn't matter if your teammate made a mistake, made 10 mistakes or made 100 mistakes, you probably make your fair share as well. Only thing is you can't change shit teammates but you can eliminate your own faults.


Don't trigger me and have me VOD review a game of yours where you claimed your team sucked cus I'll be relentless and you'll realize you're not as good as you think you are




only time u can blame ur team mate is when one of them ints or afks


but idk why you're talking about vod reviews you're washed up garbage the last time u were good was season 4 d5 filth hehe xd


man u still on that anivia 1trick l0l


Lol i dunno who else to plan mannn


Most champs too difficult to play well o


Although I need to add ad marks to my rune page as cant last hit for shit after a year away lol

B L l l T Z








B L l l T Z

c9 won. I am a happy boy.

I know C9 Smoothie irl, glad he's doin well this split

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