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dat carry


yeah i hate when people take roles you want (or others on ur team want) and they just suck at them


one of them games 


lol bot was getting fucked but me and cho just roamed a shit tonne and got fed


me n mf had a really clutch 2v5 too with help of baron, our team got caught out when me and mf were at base and they went to baron. Ran in ultied into them all bursted down cait and zed for insta double then got udyr low enough so baron last hit him for me to kill then mf ultied and i zhonyias on 100 hp lol #clutch


i fucking love nidalee

Posted (edited)

i fucking love nidalee

ya shes good at low level because people cant juke out skillshots very well, she isnt really that good compared to other mid laners tho because she has 0 cc so if you have someone like jungle eve ganks are useless


if you like the aspect of being able to 100-0 as a ap carry you might want to pick up someone different like lux as shes better in every single way

Edited by Farmoil

nidalee was also my first champ too :)



i fucking love nidalee

ya shes good at low level because people cant juke out skillshots very well, she isnt really that good compared to other mid laners tho because she has 0 cc so if you have someone like jungle eve ganks are useless


if you like the aspect of being able to 100-0 as a ap carry you might want to pick up someone different like lux as shes better in every single way



omfg yes he should get Lux.


i fucking love nidalee


GET LUX!#$@$%$%!#$!@$!@




i fucking love nidalee

ya shes good at low level because people cant juke out skillshots very well, she isnt really that good compared to other mid laners tho because she has 0 cc so if you have someone like jungle eve ganks are useless


if you like the aspect of being able to 100-0 as a ap carry you might want to pick up someone different like lux as shes better in every single way



omfg yes he should get Lux.


i fucking love nidalee


GET LUX!#$@$%$%!#$!@$!@




ive played quite a few games on Lux, and i havent died once.


100ip off it


i fucking love nidalee

ya shes good at low level because people cant juke out skillshots very well, she isnt really that good compared to other mid laners tho because she has 0 cc so if you have someone like jungle eve ganks are useless

if you like the aspect of being able to 100-0 as a ap carry you might want to pick up someone different like lux as shes better in every single way

omfg yes he should get Lux.

i fucking love nidalee

GET LUX!#$@$%$%!#$!@$!@

ive played quite a few games on Lux, and i havent died once.

100ip off it

We'll get her for you tomorrow and wreck.

Fizz is the ultimate 100-0 ap. He fucking snowballs so HARD.

Posted (edited)

mine and delta kill lane bot (was a random sion pick rofl) vayne was also gold 1


Edited by Farmoil

Having such a bad losing streak atm


On a tilt is an understatement.


Playing alone in NA normals as someone who isnt really good in the game is so fucking shit.


90% of the players are smurfs, just came out of a game where I played 2/6/12. 2 of my teammates were in Diamond and complained all game to me for getting outplayed by someone who had played 800+ games in ranked.


its fucking sub10 normals do they actually expect everyone to be in Challenger for fucks sake.




Lol they werent in Diamond. And just Tab > mute them. Easy.


And yeah i hate playing by myself in normals or ranked.


Yeah I HIGHLY doubt they were in diamond and playing with sub10.


Yeah I HIGHLY doubt they were in diamond and playing with sub10.


Yeah they probably werent, they were significantly better than me though.


on a side note since ive lost quite a few games in a row now im getting shittier opponents because of my MMR.



Yeah I HIGHLY doubt they were in diamond and playing with sub10.


Yeah they probably werent, they were significantly better than me though.


on a side note since ive lost quite a few games in a row now im getting shittier opponents because of my MMR.


Lol it's pretty funny when i'm vs ppl who have like 2.5k wins on top of 600 ranked games, but yet they're still bad as fuck. I only have like 190 wins or something


Yeah I HIGHLY doubt they were in diamond and playing with sub10.

Yeah they probably werent, they were significantly better than me though.

on a side note since ive lost quite a few games in a row now im getting shittier opponents because of my MMR.

Lol it's pretty funny when i'm vs ppl who have like 2.5k wins on top of 600 ranked games, but yet they're still bad as fuck. I only have like 190 wins or something
Yeah i get that a lot lol. People who have been playing since s1 and still suck




Yeah I HIGHLY doubt they were in diamond and playing with sub10.

Yeah they probably werent, they were significantly better than me though.

on a side note since ive lost quite a few games in a row now im getting shittier opponents because of my MMR.

Lol it's pretty funny when i'm vs ppl who have like 2.5k wins on top of 600 ranked games, but yet they're still bad as fuck. I only have like 190 wins or something
Yeah i get that a lot lol. People who have been playing since s1 and still suck


Yeah and they're also usually the ones who bitch and cry all game about "ks" and baddie shit like that


One Flame.


Your thoughts on Pantheon and Malzhar?


Vayne's nerf is just more cooldown on her ult. Thank God.

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