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166 cs in 35 minutes on one of the easiest CS champions XDDDDD

Flame is lame.

Posted (edited)



18k gold on jungler, 16k on mid laner




Also 1k stacks at 30 mins lolololololol

you had it so easy when they took turret at 11 mins and left you alone xd


A man creates his own opportunities


A man was let off easy by a boosted elise who missed every cocoon



166 cs in 35 minutes on one of the easiest CS champions XDDDDD

Paul and I had taken mid inhib by 20 minutes into the game and then ww kept diving in solo so it took longer 
Also you play yasuo which you can get 300 cs in 25 minutes on without even trying lol
Edited by Elliot



you are so toxic!


Not even using a Cleanse script smh

i'll tell him to update


I got S- in the last 3 games I played on lvl 6 viktor feelsbadman

Posted (edited)



I can finally quit now! @@Nice Net

Edited by Brenden



I can finally quit now! @@Nice Net


@@Paul 1619507fc1.jpg


hehehehehehehehehehehe xd penta kill that game too hehe xd scripts ftw kappa


4 S- in a row on viktor riot gay..


d4 promos ;D


Lmfao not even Merc Scim for max script potential

Uwotm8 i got it



Lmfao not even Merc Scim for max script potential

Uwotm8 i got it


Wanted to say Cleanse but herpderp


Merc Scim + Cleanse godtier




Lmfao not even Merc Scim for max script potential

Uwotm8 i got it


Wanted to say Cleanse but herpderp


Merc Scim + Cleanse godtier


need heal for movement speed to kill other non-scripters.





Lmfao not even Merc Scim for max script potential

Uwotm8 i got it


Wanted to say Cleanse but herpderp


Merc Scim + Cleanse godtier


need heal for movement speed to kill other non-scripters.


This is why u get Triforce on Kalista :kappa:






Lmfao not even Merc Scim for max script potential

Uwotm8 i got it


Wanted to say Cleanse but herpderp


Merc Scim + Cleanse godtier


need heal for movement speed to kill other non-scripters.


This is why u get Triforce on Kalista :kappa:


Stick to the free trial lee sin script Paul


see that 14/3 ezreal


try using his E on normal cast

Posted (edited)

yeah i dont smartcast viktor E when I play him lmfao shits 2 fucking hard

Edited by Nice Net

Any tips on dealing with an olaf who goes apeshit on my adc, the one i was up against ran flash aswell so it was even harder to slow him down


Insta kill him

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