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yh its kinda dumb atm lol 60 secs you can basically just use it to harass your opponent out of lane and by the time they return its 10 seconds from coming back up


yh its kinda dumb atm lol 60 secs you can basically just use it to harass your opponent out of lane and by the time they return its 10 seconds from coming back up

Perfect nerf tbh. Still makes her playable.


One Flame.


Your thoughts on Pantheon and Malzhar?


panth is really good in solo queue because he's basically an ad tf thats never banned, the cd on his ult is lower (i think) and it does damage if it lands

even into late game he's decent IF u play him right, by that i mean he's not good for teamfights but if you ult to catch someone out it'll change the game, or if u perfect ult on their entire team cause ur ult does good damage

u gotta build him a few damage items but with some tanky like randuins or warmogs so he doesnt get straight bursted

if u dont get fed before 20 minutes, then you're probably losing


malz... i dont see him very much but i see him being a really good situational pick vs champs like kat/fizz/kass because he pushes so hard

his ult is good for catching people out but it is easily cancelled by other cc so u should try to use it when someone is alone (tho u need to get ur other abilities off before u use it to 1hit the target usually)

his aoe silence is really good for teamfights if they're bunched and ur w does aoe chunks too, if u build a liandry's


tldr: panth is good for solo queue if u use him right, i havent seen malz in weeks so i cant say much but he has potential


I've started playing both. Pantheon demolishes in lane but i find making a difference in team fights hard.


Malz. i've always thought was really strong and OP. He CS's well but with both of them, once you poke with panth, or hit 6 with malz, its so hard to kill the oponent. They just play so safe and i can't get to them to engage or do enough dmg ffs


I've started playing both. Pantheon demolishes in lane but i find making a difference in team fights hard.


Malz. i've always thought was really strong and OP. He CS's well but with both of them, once you poke with panth, or hit 6 with malz, its so hard to kill the oponent. They just play so safe and i can't get to them to engage or do enough dmg ffs

just get a ward on both sides of lane and zone them if u can




Lux support. <3


> get diamond 2

> play some norms for a day or two


> destroy first game > 29 LP

> ori mid afk since lvl 1 > loss > 13 LP

> i sej jungle give fb to mid lane and double buff to top lane (1-0 exchange) > top and bot lose lane > loss > 0 LP

> karma mid afk since lvl1 > loss > 0 LP


if i lose d2 to afk's i'm going to be pissed


Almost in silver, got my series games ahead of me.

Vi jungle op? I have like one person leash me at blue and i still have 3/4 of my health left when I get to red.

And she doesnt fall off late game, if your team is doing good u just have to ult the adc and q the team cc em all and win.

Ill probably main her, currently have 80% Winrate with her.

Any tips if ur good with her would be appreciated.


I used to like vi pre nerfs but i havent played her since like level 20

In ranked earlier had 2 premades who didnt connect till 6 mins, lvl 6 jax vs 2 singed also jax came out of lane with like 300 somet cs and pushed to inhib turret, premade jungle n mid on other team, i got camped to fuck as ahri vs nid but came out of lane with cs advantage and 3/1 in kills (death was from lee I also had to defensively use ult and flash many times and it was basically 2v1 mid)

Anyway teamfight comes around lvl 18 jax to our lvl 12s im 15 which is same to nid, long story short we turtled it back end up losing all inhibs then another 2v5 baron fight where i aced end up taking their inhib and then at 45 mins ez pushes bot to river, gets caught out seju disconnects and they end



Built cooldown reduction on Ashe just for lols. Got down to almost sub 40 cooldown on her arrow.


Just bought zac hes hella fun to play jungle.


Amazes me that C9 are 17-2. Such an incredible score. So annoying though that the end of split tournament they might just go out in their first game and not go to worlds whereas 6th place could lol..

Posted (edited)

so i figured out how im gonna get to diamond


malzahar every fucking game leggo



Edited by Andrew





dfg doesnt work to well with his ult


to hard to get them to stand under you pool, e and ult them

you can use ignite while you're channeling your ult though


Oh rly? didnt know that. Always been cancelling it short to get that ignite down. And yeah i found that. Once you get 6, people read you so easy and just avoid your Silence or Pool so much more. So starting to not like him as i can never capitalize on destroying people with my ulti =[


Oh rly? didnt know that. Always been cancelling it short to get that ignite down. And yeah i found that. Once you get 6, people read you so easy and just avoid your Silence or Pool so much more. So starting to not like him as i can never capitalize on destroying people with my ulti =[

if you're not getting anywhere 1v1 i usually roam bot and snowball their lane


and your pool/silence is really good for teamfights


if anyone tries to jump in and assassinate you ult them and they get blown up (i think his ult holds longer than max fiddle fear)

but if you just chill in the bak for teamfights, you do consistent damage, almost like a permanent rumble ult


i might have to try malz he seems fun now that u guys bring it up lol


and i like the idea of using notepad to keep track of matchups


Only good thing on malz is his ult imo, everything else is so easy to dodge




5man premades are always fun


so talon is like really broken atm


just throwing that out there




5man premades are always fun

is that andy sly?


so talon is like really broken atm


just throwing that out there


currently gettin played in lcs



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