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This Bloke ****ing Feeds


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Posted (edited)

Just lost a game where I disconnected for some reason for like 6-7 minutes and apparently somebody died on purpose to stop a remake from happening and then everybody fed anyways so good stuff fun elo


Going places though;



Edited by Elliot

The classic: Holy shit X is open, better pick it eventho I have no clue how to play it!

I'd rather see somebody feed doing that than on their level 7 yasuo  :laugh:


30-36 so dissapointed


8 of those losses werent me


4 of them were heismberg trolling




fuckin heism its always heism


Just won like 3/4 games in a row, and got a dc so we quickly /remade, I'm gonna take it as a sign and stop playing today



p2 74lp :D

jesus fam you will be diamond in no time


You all had best get ready for when the Lord takes over LoL


this is fun


how did u manage to drag that game out for 30 mins

Posted (edited)




Damn son, I expect more damage from you as a bard tbh

Edited by Elliot



perfect of example of the trash I need to play with, 




If you average 50% winrate over like 300 games surely it's time for a different role 




Lategame, ace. Baron is up in 1 minute. We can get 3 inhibs, 1 person backs, the other goes to farm at his tier 1 tower. We end up getting 2 inhibs, TOP and MID?? I pinged the bot one like 5 times but they wanted to get top first, their bot wave grows and grows we are forced to send someone down they do baron, team feels the need to engage while I say wait out baron, we wipe and lose the game....


pls help

Also 50% is pretty normal tbh


If someone finally meets their plateau/real ELO they'll slowly move towards a 50% winrate


ye the no. of kids who int in p1-d3 elo is disgusting and i'm sure it's just the same d3-d1


i swear tyler1 caused more retards to int especially when smurfing


ye the no. of kids who int in p1-d3 elo is disgusting and i'm sure it's just the same d3-d1


i swear tyler1 caused more retards to int especially when smurfing

But you're boosted so it's alright xd


ye the no. of kids who int in p1-d3 elo is disgusting and i'm sure it's just the same d3-d1


i swear tyler1 caused more retards to int especially when smurfing


Yeah alot of people get boosted to D5  :happy:






not on a diamond lvl huh? kek almost there


Plat isn't diamond.


@@Ecke radical is just salty because he plays this game the most out of everyone on here and only peaked plat 5

you're easily diamond level


@@Ecke radical is just salty because he plays this game the most out of everyone on here and only peaked plat 5

you're easily diamond level


Haven't really been playing since my main got banned and I got to plat 1 last season?


Boost me ecke ty


I can boost u to bronze 5 for free.




this is fun


how did u manage to drag that game out for 30 mins


steel kept trying to 1v5 penta lmao



but I got it tho...



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