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Impact always gonna be one of the best, this meta fits him so well, abusing op and aggressive shit like mallet gnar and triforce ekko.


inb4 jax top like the good old days again.


c9 in 4, fuck immortals, would rather see c9 and impact going, would love to see c9 vs skt ;)


paul might be a dutch faggot but i think he is best lee sin in foe xd


I'm the best at everything, it just becomes sad if I do it with Lee Sin <3

34 minutes ago, Paul said:

I'm the best at everything, it just becomes sad if I do it with Lee Sin <3

Paul #1 Windmiller and 100m Clog Sprint EUW

34 minutes ago, Paul said:

I'm the best at everything, it just becomes sad if I do it with Lee Sin <3

Paul #1 Windmiller and 100m Clog Sprint EUW

26 minutes ago, Doopy said:

who wants to watch NALCS today on teamspeak?? 

im watchin with 3 boys 


GabryTNG DBOIA: trinity
GabryTNG DBOIA: on lee
GabryTNG DBOIA: is one
GabryTNG DBOIA: of must iportant build
GabryTNG DBOIA: for the passive
GabryTNG DBOIA: u are bronze


GabryTNG DBOIA: trinity
GabryTNG DBOIA: on lee
GabryTNG DBOIA: is one
GabryTNG DBOIA: of must iportant build
GabryTNG DBOIA: for the passive
GabryTNG DBOIA: u are bronze

Just now, Doopy said:


rich jons maybe lee

2 hours ago, Paul said:

I'm the best at everything, it just becomes sad if I do it with Lee Sin <3



Im #1 Malphite come at me bro ;)

5 hours ago, Doopy said:

@Nice Net Impact god

Lmao huhi picked yasuo game 4 and got fucked


@Doopy you see how good impact is in standard lanes, no laneswap bs lmao.

50 minutes ago, Lolsor said:

Who watches lcs in 2k16

s1 player stuck in silver in s6 lol


My team is holding me back 


played a game and some lad piped up "foe rs" because of the foe club thing, turns out hes ex supremacy member and we spent the whole game flaming cp (while he was ganking me)


I remember getting paired up with @AleXCIII in season 5 and he played cancer hecarim lmfao



3 hours ago, Heismberg said:

I remember getting paired up with @AleXCIII in season 5 and he played cancer hecarim lmfao



hecarim isn't cancer wtf :kappa:

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