Jon Posted August 9, 2013 Posted August 9, 2013 9 straight ranked loses. Can honestly say none of them were my fault and I was probably postive kd in 8 of them. really sucks.
One Flame Posted August 9, 2013 Posted August 9, 2013 9 straight ranked loses. Can honestly say none of them were my fault and I was probably postive kd in 8 of them. really sucks. damn. yeah i been really annoyed with ranked recently i went from gold 1 to diamond 2 in like two weeks but ive been in diamond 2 for almost a month, i cant win, 4 promos lost... funny part is that i told myself i was going to stop ranked after d1, never got there lol... time for normals
Jon Posted August 9, 2013 Posted August 9, 2013 What do you guys think best position is to play if you wanna carry? I have been trying to play strong ap carrys mid, then my adc feeds. I tried jungle so I could try to get all lanes fed, wasnt working. I'm in tears just thinking about it.
Farmoil Posted August 9, 2013 Posted August 9, 2013 What do you guys think best position is to play if you wanna carry? I have been trying to play strong ap carrys mid, then my adc feeds. I tried jungle so I could try to get all lanes fed, wasnt working. I'm in tears just thinking about it. If you are lucky and get mid I would recommend assasins like zed, kass etc. I prefer zed the most as he so strong in lane and can one shot anyone compared to kass who has a hard time in lane in most match ups, in mid just aim to bully you opponent out of lane and try roam and help losing lanes, and also if you are getting camped its a good thing as other lanes wont have as much jungle pressure so just aim to not die to the jungler ( if you get camped aim to ward near their wraiths and opposite side to prevent successful ganks and try bait them to waste as much of their junglers time as you can) I main adc, when i play with a support who knows what they doing (delta) I take adcs like cait etc who have strong laning because you can shut down other adcs, if its a solo q sup i pick twitch/vayne etc because you can lose lane and because of their stupid scaling you just afk farm and rape late game. If you want to jungle I advise either junglers who are really snowbally and good at ganking ( j4, noc, naut etc) or aim to shut down their jungler by stealing their camps with champs like lee, udyr, nunu etc. Main thing is jon find a role and stick to it, if I get adc I always take it but I have knowledge of other lanes that I can still do well and not feed, if you dont i advise playing a bit more normals b4 ranked
Farmoil Posted August 9, 2013 Posted August 9, 2013 (edited) Then again im a silver scrub so u may wanna take advice of one flame if he has any to give Edit; for your original answer you can carry from all lanes just know how to play it correctly but i think the easiest lane to carry from is mid Edited August 9, 2013 by Farmoil
DeltaPapa Posted August 10, 2013 Posted August 10, 2013 fuck one flame hes na ;) basically gold EU. Md lane easiest to carry, Can roam whatever lane is lacking to make them ahead
One Flame Posted August 10, 2013 Posted August 10, 2013 pretty much what farmoil said solo queue is best carried by someone who can handle their own position and help out AT LEAST one other's easiest example is karthus; he can just press r and help out another lane get a kill generally for mid lane you want someone who can roam well like kassadin, even someone like annie/sion/ahri etc if you want u even can get boots of mobility to help your roam, but i play kass so i dont really need them jungle is good cause u can choose the lanes u gank first off, u want someone who can gank really well pre 6 so that u can change lanes with a single kill camping is actually a really good thing to do, no matter what others say; u gank once, the guy gets away with flash, u stay and gank again, he dies and has no more flash... repeat. lol thats how u get someone to get really ahead in lane, then they will snowball themselves by getting more kills/farm or even roaming im not very good at ganking bot because they usually have it warded but theres always atleast one spot u can ask to have pinked so u can gank (blue: river bush/lane bush, purp: tribush/lane bush) tl;dr: play someone who can easily help out other lanes p.s. i'm not oddone so theres obviously more stuff u can do but thats the important stuff for soloq p.s.s. i started writing this before i started a game and finished after the game so i lost my train of thought lol hope it was enough to help
Jon Posted August 10, 2013 Posted August 10, 2013 Well I have been trying to use Evelyn mid for the exact reason that her roaming is pretty fucking awesome. I honestly think I am good enough for silver and that it's the other people holding me down, but at the same time im sure that what everyone in bronze thinks ahaha.
Wrecka Posted August 10, 2013 Posted August 10, 2013 Eve is good but zed/ahri/fizz/kass are really good to roam and snowball really hard. You can use that snowball to straight up carry by making ppl rage quit. I feel they do more than eve in laning phase as well.
Insecurities Posted August 10, 2013 Posted August 10, 2013 What do you guys think best position is to play if you wanna carry? I have been trying to play strong ap carrys mid, then my adc feeds. I tried jungle so I could try to get all lanes fed, wasnt working. I'm in tears just thinking about it. If you are lucky and get mid I would recommend assasins like zed, kass etc. I prefer zed the most as he so strong in lane and can one shot anyone compared to kass who has a hard time in lane in most match ups, in mid just aim to bully you opponent out of lane and try roam and help losing lanes, and also if you are getting camped its a good thing as other lanes wont have as much jungle pressure so just aim to not die to the jungler ( if you get camped aim to ward near their wraiths and opposite side to prevent successful ganks and try bait them to waste as much of their junglers time as you can) I main adc, when i play with a support who knows what they doing (delta) I take adcs like cait etc who have strong laning because you can shut down other adcs, if its a solo q sup i pick twitch/vayne etc because you can lose lane and because of their stupid scaling you just afk farm and rape late game. If you want to jungle I advise either junglers who are really snowbally and good at ganking ( j4, noc, naut etc) or aim to shut down their jungler by stealing their camps with champs like lee, udyr, nunu etc. Main thing is jon find a role and stick to it, if I get adc I always take it but I have knowledge of other lanes that I can still do well and not feed, if you dont i advise playing a bit more normals b4 ranked pretty much what farmoil said solo queue is best carried by someone who can handle their own position and help out AT LEAST one other's easiest example is karthus; he can just press r and help out another lane get a kill generally for mid lane you want someone who can roam well like kassadin, even someone like annie/sion/ahri etc if you want u even can get boots of mobility to help your roam, but i play kass so i dont really need them jungle is good cause u can choose the lanes u gank first off, u want someone who can gank really well pre 6 so that u can change lanes with a single kill camping is actually a really good thing to do, no matter what others say; u gank once, the guy gets away with flash, u stay and gank again, he dies and has no more flash... repeat. lol thats how u get someone to get really ahead in lane, then they will snowball themselves by getting more kills/farm or even roaming im not very good at ganking bot because they usually have it warded but theres always atleast one spot u can ask to have pinked so u can gank (blue: river bush/lane bush, purp: tribush/lane bush) tl;dr: play someone who can easily help out other lanes p.s. i'm not oddone so theres obviously more stuff u can do but thats the important stuff for soloq p.s.s. i started writing this before i started a game and finished after the game so i lost my train of thought lol hope it was enough to help Read all of what you two said. Cheers for the tips even though they weren't directed at me. :)
DeltaPapa Posted August 10, 2013 Posted August 10, 2013 Recovering from my tilt well atm :) 3 solid wins where ive done ace I was playing like shit recently
Farmoil Posted August 10, 2013 Posted August 10, 2013 probably gonna transfer to na, sucks only having delta to play with :/.
One Flame Posted August 11, 2013 Posted August 11, 2013 prepare for massive ping change :/ but would be awesome if everyone was na lol
Dizzy Posted August 11, 2013 Posted August 11, 2013 That lion dance kogmaw tho (1300 rp) Found myself playing kog'maw a lot lately, easiest early game farming in the game, with his w and tear early on u will outfarm a lot of champs. Roaming isnt bad after 6, you can pull off a lot of tower kills with the long range of his R. This game in particular I had 300 ping average cause my provider decided to fuck me, my farm was crap however I got some kills and tons of assists, late game kogmaw can rape the adc, the poke tho, chunks left and right,
Jesterjason Posted August 11, 2013 Posted August 11, 2013 the whole time I thought this was about cod
One Flame Posted August 11, 2013 Posted August 11, 2013 i got demoted to diamond 3. last pick says nothing in champ select so i assume he will fill. we have everything picked except adc. he picks xerath. okay so i think 'well this is diamond, ive seen nonmeta bosses out there' he runs in and dies 8 times. our team is telling the other team to push mid at 10 minutes. fuck this game
Dizzy Posted August 11, 2013 Posted August 11, 2013 i got demoted to diamond 3. last pick says nothing in champ select so i assume he will fill. we have everything picked except adc. he picks xerath. okay so i think 'well this is diamond, ive seen nonmeta bosses out there' he runs in and dies 8 times. our team is telling the other team to push mid at 10 minutes. fuck this game if riot would disable chat in games it would solve a lot of problems, they could enable like team commands
Andrew Posted August 11, 2013 Author Posted August 11, 2013 i got demoted to diamond 3. last pick says nothing in champ select so i assume he will fill. we have everything picked except adc. he picks xerath. okay so i think 'well this is diamond, ive seen nonmeta bosses out there' he runs in and dies 8 times. our team is telling the other team to push mid at 10 minutes. fuck this game if riot would disable chat in games it would solve a lot of problems, they could enable like team commands this is diamond? O_o i think imma just chill in bronze then
Farmoil Posted August 11, 2013 Posted August 11, 2013 i got demoted to diamond 3. last pick says nothing in champ select so i assume he will fill. we have everything picked except adc. he picks xerath. okay so i think 'well this is diamond, ive seen nonmeta bosses out there' he runs in and dies 8 times. our team is telling the other team to push mid at 10 minutes. fuck this game if riot would disable chat in games it would solve a lot of problems,they could enable like team commands this is diamond? O_oi think imma just chill in bronze then Like you have a choice scrub
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