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im carrying him


uh I was in silver before I only got demoted because I was on holiday and couldnt play ranked, and I skipped a division in my promo because I had high MMR


skipped a division? nice!


i weent from bronze 4 to silver 5 losing 3 games and never skipped a divison lol... =[


tsm triple globals OP


i wanna learn to play shen now lol


so useful


Meh. Hard to carry with imo.


Most people in silver you ulti them and they still run away and dunno how to effectively split push objectives


gg c9 nerds


got straight bodied


That Reginald Karthus too sick.


I honestly think regi is a amazing player he just gets so much hate lol



crs or die




except they've been getting destroyed all of s3  :sad:


They done it last split. Played shit constantly and ended up #1 lol


Hoping EG and GG so well this weekend <3


midnight ahri or dynasty ahri




foxfire ahri so gud


i got foxfire alrdy


i got foxfire alrdy

frostbutt irelia


is blue ez still a viable build?


is blue ez still a viable build?

its the only way i play ezreal lol, he has such ridiculous scaling with this build, if you can kite well enough you pretty much become unkillable. Super annoying to play vs and fun to play as



is blue ez still a viable build?

its the only way i play ezreal lol, he has such ridiculous scaling with this build, if you can kite well enough you pretty much become unkillable. Super annoying to play vs and fun to play as


then my friend is an idiot. told me blue ez was shit.


Only shit if u do shit early


End of day 1 eu lcs




For those NA who dont follow it. Look at how fucking close that is lol




is blue ez still a viable build?

its the only way i play ezreal lol, he has such ridiculous scaling with this build, if you can kite well enough you pretty much become unkillable. Super annoying to play vs and fun to play as


then my friend is an idiot. told me blue ez was shit.


it has a very high gold thresh hold now especially since you dont buy elder lizard instead you buy botrk or bt but i find you get strong right after you get your iceborns and maramuna 





is blue ez still a viable build?

its the only way i play ezreal lol, he has such ridiculous scaling with this build, if you can kite well enough you pretty much become unkillable. Super annoying to play vs and fun to play as


then my friend is an idiot. told me blue ez was shit.


it has a very high gold thresh hold now especially since you dont buy elder lizard instead you buy botrk or bt but i find you get strong right after you get your iceborns and maramuna 


whoawhoawhoa so blade of the ruined now instead of elder lizard? damn...






is blue ez still a viable build?

its the only way i play ezreal lol, he has such ridiculous scaling with this build, if you can kite well enough you pretty much become unkillable. Super annoying to play vs and fun to play as


then my friend is an idiot. told me blue ez was shit.


it has a very high gold thresh hold now especially since you dont buy elder lizard instead you buy botrk or bt but i find you get strong right after you get your iceborns and maramuna 


whoawhoawhoa so blade of the ruined now instead of elder lizard? damn...


Yeah and if you do really bad early it's going to be really hard to get going

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