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I havent had a ez game in like past 10 where i back before i have 1550 gold for bf sword mainly because ez is such a safe adc even if your supp dies you have a 1100 range Q to last hit with to stop you getting zoned, but if you do die or something before bf sword botrk is better than bf because you can buy vamp for 800 and upgrade to cutlass which is a small upgrade which is good if you are behind. If i die before i can afford vamp ill pick up another dorans.

I really dont think spirit lizard is viable no more, it used to be op cus of 45 ad with cdr and mana regen which is pretty op and same ad as botrk so no reason to not buy it before but now its nerfed and like 25/35 ad?


when did lemondogs get good i probs should keep up on more eu lcs lol


all i know i sthat i want eg to make it, and maybe gmb/fanatic


Lol alex ich just sang happy birthday to his wife during the lcs


such a qtpie




Them polish retards 


I think Irelia got nerfed too hard lol




3cs at 7:30 in the LCS by SK top laner


he got zoned hard by gambit bot lane 2v1


He didnt even go to lane lol. Got invaded at blue so he took wolves and just walked around for a fair while waiting for a lee gank.


GG 4-0 this week. Believe.

Posted (edited)



cait my fav adc<3333

Edited by Lennu

the training wheel adc.


lol at my last game. probably the best play I've ever made.


winning bot lane, im 0-1 cait with soraka support.


pushing inner turret, jungler comes, they focus soraka for some reason.


3v1 situation


poke their adc, then q for the kill and a poke on akali. e to fall back a little, keep poking. another q for the double on akali.


jungler (nunu) has been chasing me the whole time. poke him down near turret. I'm really low at this point. he starts running away once tower agros on him. r and type "ez" in all chat as my ult goes off.


triple kill, feel awesome, demolish the rest of the game and they ff at 20.




The end of the Summer split rofl


Look at the scores!


Another 6 games have to be played for the tie-breaks


btw Alternate where top for 7 weeks straight (out of 9). Now they are fighting for playoffs lol




The end of the Summer split rofl


Look at the scores!


Another 6 games have to be played for the tie-breaks


Guess im staying up for 6 more hours


Still waiting for lucian.... Zzz


had a diamond 1 morg in my normal game who wasnt premade with anyone lol.


Wierd. She mains Morgana, yet was shit with her lol


had a diamond 1 morg in my normal game who wasnt premade with anyone lol.


Wierd. She mains Morgana, yet was shit with her lol

bought acc much


We just had another Diamond 5 nid with no premades


Maybe its just my mmr ;)


silver two promos!~!`


silver two promos!~!`


gl dude





Posted (edited)

why cant i get d1

elo gods help me pls


EDIT: i like that guy's guides delta 

Edited by One Flame

ranked q down zzzz




enemy shen has been trash talking me for past 3 games because we were on the same team twice before and lost together


hes a dumbfuck retard that gets a good team this game look at this shit


i'm zyra support, stupid team i fking swear i cant deal with this ranked shit


eugh bad luck one flame  :unsure:

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