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wait u mean eg isnt going to worlds????????????????


Fnatic, Lemondogs and GG from EU






probably one of my best games ever, carried the team so hard


Ended up getting my first pentakill ever in the end and we won the game.


Still not level 30? :o


how many games you won/played?


Still not level 30? :o


how many games you won/played?


Won 115 played 214 aka 99 losses


Little late to the party but first two games ive played since patch 3.10 today auto lock lucians that fed. Always fun.



Still not level 30? :o


how many games you won/played?


Won 115 played 214 aka 99 losses



Crikey lol


Get on dem exp boosts dawg

Posted (edited)

what dan said

When you hit level 30 you're going to get facerolled if you don't have atleast 1 rune page 

It's worth getting a 24 hour exp boost and no life it (only if you know you can dedicate a whole day to it) and save all ip for a full ad page


Get full ad reds

flat armor yellows

flat MR blues (then get per levels)

x2 life steal quints + 1 ad quint

or 3x ad quints


This is good for top, adc, jungle then work on ap for mid and support


magic pen reds

hp per level/ ap per level (don't ever bother with flat ap yellows or blues, ill explain at the end)

(here you have 2 choices  if against a caster nuke mage like veiger/LB/brand/annie you will need flat magic resist or you'll get destroyed early as you have no defense so if in a pickle to decide per level or flat, always go flat as it will help you in the long run before you can save for more runes)


now for runes and masteries in regards to flat ap runes, going standard (22/8/0 or 24/0/6 which i use mostly) you're going to get +18 ap 1 per level

you have yellows (as x9) 16ap @ level 18 and blue (as x9) 32 ap @ level 18

yellows = 5ap if you get flat ap runes or 11 ap if you get flat blue ap runes


yellows + masteries = 6ap at level 3 so doesn't take a genius to work our they are shit as you get better ap at level 4+

blues + masteries = 11 ap at level 5 so same.


If ever in doubt, per level is always better than flat in regards to scaling but when it is things like armor pen and attack damage always get flat as you need early game damage to get to late, mages (depending on champ) don't need that extra boost as they will be monsters at level 4/6/11

Edited by G l Rare

what dan said

When you hit level 30 you're going to get facerolled if you don't have atleast 1 rune page 

It's worth getting a 24 hour exp boost and no life it (only if you know you can dedicate a whole day to it) and save all ip for a full ad page


Get full ad reds

flat armor yellows

flat MR blues (then get per levels)

x2 life steal quints + 1 ad quint

or 3x ad quints


This is good for top, adc, jungle then work on ap for mid and support


magic pen reds

hp per level/ ap per level (don't ever bother with flat ap yellows or blues, ill explain at the end)

(here you have 2 choices  if against a caster nuke mage like veiger/LB/brand/annie you will need flat magic resist or you'll get destroyed early as you have no defense so if in a pickle to decide per level or flat, always go flat as it will help you in the long run before you can save for more runes)


now for runes and masteries in regards to flat ap runes, going standard (22/8/0 or 24/0/6 which i use mostly) you're going to get +18 ap 1 per level

you have yellows (as x9) 16ap @ level 18 and blue (as x9) 32 ap @ level 18

yellows = 5ap if you get flat ap runes or 11 ap if you get flat blue ap runes


yellows + masteries = 6ap at level 3 so doesn't take a genius to work our they are shit as you get better ap at level 4+

blues + masteries = 11 ap at level 5 so same.


If ever in doubt, per level is always better than flat in regards to scaling but when it is things like armor pen and attack damage always get flat as you need early game damage to get to late, mages (depending on champ) don't need that extra boost as they will be monsters at level 4/6/11



Yeah I got runes covered and shit, I main adc so I bought ad based runepage first.




Still need tier 3 quints, and I bought scaling MR blues instead of flat first for some reason. I have enough IP for the rest of the runes/quints too so Ill have a full page once I hit 30. Oh and ill buy flat mr blues later on then.


And yeah might buy exp boosts soon, I wanna get into ranked already.


scaling MR is argually better for adc as early levels you dont need mr.


When you get to like level 11 they overtake scaling and it works out better.


Id keep scaling mr.


As delta said scaling is fine for your ad page, also dont bother buying another lifesteal just get a ad quint for obvious reasons


they level 2 quints? You should have 4% life steal


they level 2 quints? You should have 4% life steal


they level 2 quints? You should have 4% life steal

this also lol just noticed, scrap those and two 2% ls quints when you can 


tp heal ahri n shit rolf... mygwas getting happy getting a positive kda vs lvl 25s heueheueheu



they level 2 quints? You should have 4% life steal

this also lol just noticed, scrap those and two 2% ls quints when you can 



Yeah ive changed them to lvl 3 now.


oh and btw




Carried so hard once again. Singed kept throwing the enemies into safety and we just couldnt end quickly.


I quite like the long games where you can nearly 1shot anyone with crits with red+baron buffs, 450ad op


well played but 60min long game, ouch


this is why i hate soloQ

You say from start "listen to me if you want to win, this will get me promo so when i say do something do it"

Ofc, our adc tries to solo 1v5, support solows the adc in jungle (hunted for her to her red so can't say he was caught) and cho went afk for 10mins for ragequit getting killed at his red every time it spawned.

Logic dictates that its warded so pink it? Naaaaaaaaa






Da ap ez doe


just had a rammus game to see what hes like




holy fuck hes strong. no wonder why hes #2 most win %


blue ez mid > ap ez mid ;)


yeah get 20 points in defense tree + 300 armour and his W gives you nearly 500 armour

It's redongkulous 


And yeah i was meant to be blue ez but had ap per level runes so thought meh when in rome


You remember Adam who played LoL? He used to be an ace rammus imo. He was always tanky as fuck on him. 


Just had a game vs a late game vayne. Id taunt her and she wud leave me like 5% hp and im out of the team fight. That sucked.




shut up farmoil fiora is fun


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