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Okay so Iran have a WCG regional League tourney whatever, and all female characters except annie are banned rofl


Is this real life?


Anivia shows too much wing


Ahaha that jungler video is pretty true.


on a 10 loss streakk atm





on a 10 loss streakk atm




know that feel


Best thing about deciding to climb to gold before season 4 is that soon enough I'll escape the "elo hell" mentality of childish retarded logic

:unsure: Although I've heard that gold is worse than bronze/silver? My friend said people rarely talk unless its "gank mid/dragon now/ ect" small talk?




Lmfa0 at fiddle mid, what server you on?

3rd promo series lucky


just had a zil supp who had 5k total gold in a 40 min match lol


fucking useless he was

Posted (edited)

I'm EU west, have same name on NA but don't play for obz reasons 


just had a zil supp who had 5k total gold in a 40 min match lol


fucking useless he was

zill support is strong but you should run what i use for alistar and leona + lulu now

+78 health + 21 armour + mr per level


don't bomb spam, just Q and wait for mana and do not double Q  as u have no mana at all after 2 combos and max E to perma slow them

its like having a perma nasus but everyone who plays zill is 100% GREED KILLS 



My bot lane was feeding as the adc doesn't adc at all? Logic?
Vayne was killing mid too so spammed them to forced them to listen, DD and gank 5v2 ect until we came back. The rest of the chat was REPORT REPORT REPORT REPORT

This elo, can't wait to get out



Edited by G l Rare

For ur rammus whats ur runes?


Why didnt you go sunfire?


And when i play support a prefer gp10 quints personally.


Vayne and trynda are soo auto attack reliant so the fh and thornmail was a amazing pick up, with the addition of him playin rammus the thornmail passive and taunt works well together


Im thinking he sold the sunfire for thornmail looking at his cs


Rammus has a slow clear time, impossible to get that without sunfire.


Nasus or Cho'Gath?




i dont see cho played much and even though he can be good, ruptures are easy to dodge unless you have chain cc on your team




i dont see cho played much and even though he can be good, ruptures are easy to dodge unless you have chain cc on your team


its more of the 2.5 sec aoe silence + tankness. I prefer Nasus  too but reckon cho is a better tank/cc


whats ur name on euw rare?




Nasus or Cho'Gath?

cho gath is unkillable late game it's ridiculous.


race to gold v farmoil?


Ud win cus i dnt play ranked durin the day

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