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This Bloke ****ing Feeds


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Ive been playing against people like this for like a week now, maybe its my MMR I have no clue but its fukin annoying.


Cant wait till ranked so I can demolish bronzies.

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I rly dont recommend doinn ranked straight away but Ill duo with you for your placement games if you need


How do I determine when im ready for ranked then :/

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I rly dont recommend doinn ranked straight away but Ill duo with you for your placement games if you need

How do I determine when im ready for ranked then :/

Play with me n deltz for a few games and we will say when you are ready unless you want to hover around bronze 4/3 with shitty mmr

Honestly tho im so happy i didnt insta ranked i waited and jumped to silver v in my placement matches but its up 2 u

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I rly dont recommend doinn ranked straight away but Ill duo with you for your placement games if you need

How do I determine when im ready for ranked then :/

Play with me n deltz for a few games and we will say when you are ready unless you want to hover around bronze 4/3 with shitty mmr

Honestly tho im so happy i didnt insta ranked i waited and jumped to silver v in my placement matches but its up 2 u



Yeah guess ill play with you guys, personally i feel like im ready since i play well against silver players in normal etc.

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Nasus every time, fast barron and dragons, E clear camps like no ones business and W perma slow + exhaust = 100% dead 


And no too much damage so I didn't bother with sunfire, just get TM for Hec + Trynd


With rammus you have 2 options

1. run red and yellow armour and att speed blues + movement speed quints

2. (experimental attempt but it worked perfect so i recommend) the leona/ali runes. red/yellow armour, mr per level blues (but these as att speed would make clears fast) and hp quints

Rammus passive + W scales off armour so the early bonus armour was a solid pick to help, hp quints meant i could gank with an extra red hp pot so if a dive is what it takes for first blood MAN MODE GO HAM


Reason for attack speed, E (taunt) + W (deffence curl) means you have your Q+AA E+W+AA then they flash away, so if you run attack speed you get 1 more AA

early damage is "weak" pfft rammus op, lets do the math

= bonus attack damage so I think I was hitting 65's at level 3 (x3 = 195)

Q = 100 damage (295)

W = increase on passive so your AA do more damage + higher their attack damage = more damage they will receive so = (295 + ???) 


Rammus for example starts level 1 410 hp + 86 per level (so let's assume so does the person you're ganking) = 678hp you have single handedly done pretty much 75% damage



Edited by G l Rare
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are you transfering over to euw lennu/insecurities?

Already did mate!


First game on euw:



50 ping vs the 200 I got on NA is such a huge difference. It's beautiful playing on euw. Gonna make a smurf on na though to play with friends on there but omg the ping. Love 50 ping.

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I rly dont recommend doinn ranked straight away but Ill duo with you for your placement games if you need


How do I determine when im ready for ranked then :/



Get 200-300 normal wins under your belt first and play roles other than just adc. I'm practicing mid and support now, and saving up for rune pages to fit those roles as well since I already have my adc page done. so yeah basically learn more champs and their respective lanes/roles and get more runes, and wins. That way you will have a higher chance of skipping bronze which is what you wanna do right?

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I rly dont recommend doinn ranked straight away but Ill duo with you for your placement games if you need


How do I determine when im ready for ranked then :/



Get 200-300 normal wins under your belt first and play roles other than just adc. I'm practicing mid and support now, and saving up for rune pages to fit those roles as well since I already have my adc page done. so yeah basically learn more champs and their respective lanes/roles and get more runes, and wins. That way you will have a higher chance of skipping bronze which is what you wanna do right?



I don't think Im patient enough for 300 wins, ill probably just max out my rune page and get like 2 more champs and then play ranked. I don't really mind playing in like bronze 2-3.


Does elo/div everything reset once new season starts?

Edited by Lennu
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tsm pls win, and delta i miss u y u no come on today


Had to do some wedding biznis


And TSM u fkin leg-ends. lets do this shit CMON CRS!!!!!!!!!!!!


And Insecurities add ImDeltz on EUW tyloveu

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I rly dont recommend doinn ranked straight away but Ill duo with you for your placement games if you need


How do I determine when im ready for ranked then :/



Get 200-300 normal wins under your belt first and play roles other than just adc. I'm practicing mid and support now, and saving up for rune pages to fit those roles as well since I already have my adc page done. so yeah basically learn more champs and their respective lanes/roles and get more runes, and wins. That way you will have a higher chance of skipping bronze which is what you wanna do right?



I don't think Im patient enough for 300 wins, ill probably just max out my rune page and get like 2 more champs and then play ranked. I don't really mind playing in like bronze 2-3.


Does elo/div everything reset once new season starts?


Sort of.  Season 1 > Season 2 it was a hard reset and everyones elo got reset to 1200.


Season 2  > Season 3 There was a formula so it was a 'soft reset' example being 2400 elo would be reset to like ~1900 and 800 elo would be reset to like 890~

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I rly dont recommend doinn ranked straight away but Ill duo with you for your placement games if you need


How do I determine when im ready for ranked then :/



Get 200-300 normal wins under your belt first and play roles other than just adc. I'm practicing mid and support now, and saving up for rune pages to fit those roles as well since I already have my adc page done. so yeah basically learn more champs and their respective lanes/roles and get more runes, and wins. That way you will have a higher chance of skipping bronze which is what you wanna do right?



I don't think Im patient enough for 300 wins, ill probably just max out my rune page and get like 2 more champs and then play ranked. I don't really mind playing in like bronze 2-3.


Does elo/div everything reset once new season starts?


Believe me you say that now about not minding bronze 2-3 then you realize you can't play a single game without an afk or a feeder.

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Part of me wants Curse to win because I think Voy is such a nice guy and i want something nice to happen for him since curse has had nothing but bad luck lately + at risk of loosing their jobs

And I think QT is a bit of a douche


On the other hand DIG will prob win as they play better


Also Dan reason why I had so much CS is because when i gank a lane I tax cs, when they die i farm their lanes and I split pushed a lot spaming ult + W when ever it was up as its a low cool down and very strong combo (not once had sunfire)

Edited by G l Rare
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just had a premade trynda and blitz the blitz was bronze 2 and trynda gold 2 the blitz dies for fb in first 4 mins and goes onto feeding 0/11...


i fkin hate premades in ranked

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Ey yo cuties im lending my account to share with someone as i dont get on as much as i used to but still play regularly.

Its silver 2 on NA so im thinking maybe delta or farm oil if u want to use it PM me.

Its name is Niqqasaurus. Has pretty much all adcs, tons of mids and junglers and a good amount of top laners.

I also have thresh, good amount of skins and like 5 or 6 6300 champs.

You may play ranked if ur good.

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