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just got carried into my series by this kayle


Gl friend come join me in s2!!1


already lost the first game ffs



i giv up

Posted (edited)

NA is so much easier to carry with. Even if you do bad in lane, you just split push and they dont react..



Edited by DeltaPapa

da record doe




1 more win farmy!!


Had to go adc which i never fucking play and hate lol. Played cait maybe like 2 times in total?




They threw so hard. Kayle and Kass were fed so early.



holy fuck that play by faker.


This was the final to decide who wins OGN and goes to world.


Becuase the score is 2-2 in a bo5 they do blind pick. Watch the clip though and read the annotations. Its crazy.


Grats dpaps! How the fk did that team lose with kass kayle and vayne rolf


Since getting in S2 have you found ur lp going up a lot less?


Like mines on 22 atm when it used to be +30 :/ :(


4h6dl.pngfinally got a perfect game on aram.


league crashed right after, look at my match histroy if u dont beleive me.


just played passive and landed my q's was all good


Why is that such a achievement


Won 8 of my last 9 ranked matches and sitll on +20lp rofl




i think +20 is average


+30 is when you either just enter a division or you have super high mmr from massive winstreaks


usually if you go up +30 or so before a promo match and you win both promo games then you'll skip a division


and in div 1 u get even less generally




lol'd hard, this elo....


before i entered silver 2 i was on +30s and if i losed it would be like -11.


Now i entered its +20 and a loss is -18 like wat


it's your mmr, its too low and it doesn't think your good enough to get silver1/gold


but ive lost like 1/2 games since then rofl and won about 11


stupid thing


1/2 games shouldnt make such a huge impact.


In normals i dominate with jax.His early, mid and late are unreal.


In ranked though i can never snowball :(


I love fioras dmg but i dunno, something about her which i don't like.


In normals i dominate with jax.His early, mid and late are unreal.


In ranked though i can never snowball :(


I love fioras dmg but i dunno, something about her which i don't like.

she has no escape or cc unless you get cc in items



5 loss streak, was 1 game away from promotion (for the 4th time since i hit silver) and had premade bots and ahhhhhhhh so bad

jesus soo bad

like really fucking bad


I have a good run, out farm everyone in game, then all the fed people come after me 


d2 main , i'm on smurf. 2 quadras and 2 triples 


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