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I don't know about fizz man, he's so op early when u reach level 3 and all in for a kill, and then he carries so hard late game...one shooting adc and mid and hopping out of there lol...

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sorry not cc anymore, but for fiora it works well:


  • New UNIQUE Passive - Rage: basic attacks grant 20 movement speed for 2 seconds on hit. Minion, monster, and champion kills grant 60 movement speed for 2 seconds

keeps you in contact, combined with the q jumps, they often dont get away (especially with furor enchantments)


removes need for much movement based cc

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So its free Graves week, ill probably buy this champ once I hit 30.


Everything in this game went wrong, still managed to stall the game to 50mins and rape the enemy team.


The build was a bit shit but whatever, still won.

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personally i dnt like attack speed on graves.


I much prefer full out dmg.


but im a shit adc


I hate Graves' slow attack speed so i just bought a PD, didnt really look into builds so just went with it.

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if you are behind then yeah just go bt into lw (you can pick up a zeal if you feel you need it)


I usually just go bt into boots into pd if im even/ahead but if im behind I always rush lw 


graves is decent with as but doesn't need it as much as other adcs because of his e but he still does good with it because auto attacks reduce the cd on his e by a second so you can pretty much perma have it up if you have as and the steroid the e gives which is nice as you can reposition a lot which is essential for a short range ad like graves

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Thoughts on Lucian? I think hes shit and doesnt do damage...

Same i've always said that lol. Glad I didn't buy him. Was just another overhyped champ like Aatrox except a fed aatrox is scary as fk

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anyone else love zed. 431 cs in 43min. was a 4v5 game. have lolrecording. 

edit: we had 4. adc afk


smurfing plat 4 : 


Edited by Vans
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Zed is fun

i hated playing him


literally did no damage with his ult and when i tried to kill ppl i just shadowed the wrong way :l

i thought he was a burst champ but it turns out u just flash around like an idiot and throw shit that does no damage


back to practicing triple q with rengar

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ok explain this.


I was on +20 +22 +20 then i LOSE a game -18


i just won a game and im +25 rofl........




in other news i finally done a good ranked game for jax..

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ok explain this.


I was on +20 +22 +20 then i LOSE a game -18


i just won a game and im +25 rofl........




in other news i finally done a good ranked game for jax..

ur mmr isn't high but riot sees that it is good enough to not really punish u and make u stay where u r at

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