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o ur s1 now didn't know.

gl on g5 or no?


bet u all korea are going to win worlds

Posted (edited)

bet u all korea are going to win worlds


Edited by Wrecka

bet u all faker win worlds for SKT1





bet u all faker win worlds for SKT1




ah yes, sorry for spelling mistake there




nice easy game.


Singed Jungle and Shen support


My last 3 games have all been wins and my LP has gone +21 +19 +15 :s


Shouldnt it be going upwards =[


So won my past 4 ranked games all getting +18-24lp range







And then suddenly a +7.




some1 explain


in division 1 of any tier you go up less and less the higher lp you are, some people at 99 even get +0


I thought tht was just at challenger lol


why does my bot lane always feed QQ


why does my bot lane always feed QQ

because im not there with my blitz.

had some pro ass grabs today seriously.




+7 +8 +5


loving this..


Just had the most annoying nid ever lol. Was playings vs a 30/5something fizz at like 35 mins. shit was intense. Still won.

Posted (edited)

ya at the Division 1 u gain very little, it's cause the games wants to make sure you're really ready for the next tier. Unless your MMR is really above your current tier 

Edited by Wrecka
Posted (edited)

whats the best champ/role to climb with in silver?


i got 1 acc in silver 1 another in plat


but got that plat account from silver 1- to plat 5 just by playing nunu jungle on that patch where consume was 600 true dmg now i cant climb my other account up


plat I dont have to carry every game, u just play well and team wins by working together

Edited by FearMy Def

Assassin snowballers imo


Akali, Kass, Panth, Wukong, Jax, Fizz, Rengar, Zed, Talon, Kha,


Assassin snowballers imo


Akali, Kass, Panth, Wukong, Jax, Fizz, Rengar, Zed, Talon, Kha,

+ vayne AA and win game ezy pzy




gettin my groove back on yo


30 tonight thank you based riot for half price on xp boosts.


gl me




On about 10 undefeated so if i lose i cri


lennu dont build shiv on ashe. pd instead + a zeph as last item if ahead.


I actually like shiv more than pd on ashe but I would've rushed lw after ie and shiv/pd

Posted (edited)

Shiv is best item ever!


GL OilFarm and deltz

Edited by Wrecka
Posted (edited)
Finally garen visual upgrade, hopefully they somehow visually enhance teemo so i can be beautiful when I want to troll people.

Visual Upgrade: Garen, the Might of Demacia


Demacia's favorite son is brushing off some of the dust and scars of so many battles and coming into new focus with a complete visual upgrade. Decked out with new armor and weaponry befitting his victorious prowess, Garen's new model solidifies his image as the quintessential poster boy of Demacian valor.

In addition to the new model, all of Garen's abilities, animations and particles have been upgraded. His ultimate, Demacian Justice, shines with righteous energy, and the winningest spin in Valoran has been refined in its motion, making Garen's signature techniques as polished as his intimidating pauldrons. With updated sound effects and voiceover, the Might of Demacia sounds the battle cry loud and clear, assured of many victories to come. All of Garen’s skins have been sharpened up as well, with the exception of Steel Legion Garen, which Demacian High Command deemed already fit for service.

So don't be surprised if the next time you face check a bush the guy waiting for you looks even more handsome and dangerous than usual. DEMACIA!

Edited by Dizzlo

lennu dont build shiv on ashe. pd instead + a zeph as last item if ahead.

Shiv better on ashe after bt/ie imo

I actually like shiv more than pd on ashe but I would've rushed lw after ie and shiv/pd

Yh should have gone lw instead of bt but o well didnt affect score that bad

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