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lol 35 min game, 12/7/17 nidalee


they had 2 adcs 1 mid shen+leona


my spears did so much damage but my team were all 0/4 by 10 mins when i was 4/0 top lol


did 2x everyone in the games damage to champions, couldnt carry hard enough


Maybe you should stop playing shit champs that cant carry or buy carrying lessons from me




That took forever, now we wait for my rp to transfer to euw


After hitting lvl 30 the matches ive played were suddenly very even, both teams full of Silver 3-5 players, excluding me obviously.


The games pre-30 were so uneven I felt like quitting, not sure if this is just luck or hitting 30 has something to do with it.


After hitting lvl 30 the matches ive played were suddenly very even, both teams full of Silver 3-5 players, excluding me obviously.


The games pre-30 were so uneven I felt like quitting, not sure if this is just luck or hitting 30 has something to do with it.

When i hit level 30 and did my provisional ranked games, i started having my normal games matched up with/vs gold+ players, lol.


gz farmoil


oh and when you hit level 30 you pretty much ONLY get paired with level 30, so that teams are more even


gz farmoil


oh and when you hit level 30 you pretty much ONLY get paired with level 30, so that teams are more even

Nice to know it wasnt just lucky matchmaking.

All 4 games ive played at lvl30 were pretty much with silver 2-4 players only. Not complaining tho, its pretty easy.

Posted (edited)

Alright lads im on EUW now, big shoutout to my niggas Liv and Insecurities for making this happen


Lénnu is my name on EUW now dont forget the lil accent on the "e".


Lookin forward to playing with yall

Edited by Lennu

add me up hombre, 'my gwas'


cant play till sunday tho lol




so glad olaf is back after next patch :)


i played my first 40~ ranked games with him like at the start of s3 when i was substantially shitter than i am now and went like 21:26, which considering how bad i was, was pretty good


gna start owning top lane with him again soon!

Posted (edited)

so glad olaf is back after next patch :)


i played my first 40~ ranked games with him like at the start of s3 when i was substantially shitter than i am now and went like 21:26, which considering how bad i was, was pretty good


gna start owning top lane with him again soon!

no pic no proof?


what they doing to him, i have a slight feeling that the patch isnt going to help him

Edited by FearMy Def


so glad olaf is back after next patch :)


i played my first 40~ ranked games with him like at the start of s3 when i was substantially shitter than i am now and went like 21:26, which considering how bad i was, was pretty good


gna start owning top lane with him again soon!

no pic no proof?


what they doing to him, i have a slight feeling that the patch isnt going to help him



Olaf Changes, V1.0

Undertow ( Q )

  • Slow no longer decays
  • Now has a minimum throw distance of 450 units
  • Axes now stick in walls and structures rather than going through them

Slow decay on this ability ultimately doesn’t make sense to me. The slow decaying accentuates the power of re-applying the slow repeatedly and lessers the impact of hitting the epic long range axes that seem like they should feel the best to hit. If I need to re-tune the slow numbers from here to be slightly less severity or duration, so be it, but I can’t conceptually get on board with this ability having a decay on its slow.

Minimum distance is being added to this ability to limit Olaf’s ability to abuse repeated minimum distance Axe throws on top of Melee range targets. Ultimately this pattern is counterintuitive, adds a lot of burst to Olaf and makes the gameplay confusing to opponents who can’t even see the axe in the ground since he immediately picks it up.

The wall sticking change for Undertow actually just started as a cool thematic idea from CertainlyT, but it also happens to solve a couple big issues I was running into with Undertow. The first is that it lets Jungle Olaf circumvent the minimum distance on Undertow to preserve his fast clear by standing near a wall and repeatedly throwing axes. The second is that it strips a bit of extraneous power off of Olaf in terms of scouting (i.e. checking baron over and over with it) and sniping, which ultimately aren’t very cool places for a Viking to have power, which frees him up some power budget to spend on cooler stuff.

Vicious Strikes ( W )

  • Mana cost reduced to 25 from 40/45/50/55/60
  • Now provides 1% enhanced healing from all sources for every 2% health Olaf is missing during the duration THIS IS IN ADDITION TO THE CURRENT MECHANICS ON W, NOT REPLACING THEM

At the end of the day, this ability feels like it should be cooldown gated, not mana gated, so I’ve reduced the mana cost to a fairly negligible number to reduce this ability’s strain on Undertow.

The scaling increased healing effect on this ability is meant to supplement Olaf’s fight-your-way-out pattern and better communicate to players when they want to use their W. It also opens up a tuning lever on his lane-sustain so that he feels less oppressive when ahead and more resilient when he’s behind. I also hope that this clarifies Olaf’s itemization options (in particular, opening up lifesteal items more for him), though that remains to be seen as I’m not really convinced that players plan around this interaction with Spirit Visage (same mechanic) at the moment.

 Ragnarok ( R )

  • Mana Cost removed
  • Cooldown changed to 120/100/80 from 100
  • Active duration changed to 5 from 6
  • New Passive Added: Olaf gains 10/25/40 Armor and Magic Resist passively
  • Active Changed: Olaf removes all disables from himself and becomes immune to them for the next 5 seconds. During this time, he gains double Attack Speed from Berserker Rage

As with Vicious Strikes, it feels crummy for Ragnarok to constrain your ability to cast Undertow and as this will only ever be used once per fight, I’ve just stripped the mana cost off completely.

The larger changes here are about clarifying Ragnarok’s purpose and counterplay. After looking through feedback on how players perceive the counterplay and discussing this with numerous designers, I’ve come to the conclusion that Ragnarok is a more interesting and healthy ability if it functions as a trade off rather than a god mode. With this direction in mind, I’ve added a passive Armor/MRes component to give Olaf the tankiness he needs to be a front liner with no mobility and made the Ragnarok button press decision more about becoming unstoppable in order to do damage, at the cost of the resilience from damage. Hopefully this opens up the option to the opposing team to focus fire down the un-CCable monster coming for their Carry, rather than leaving them feeling completely resigned to Olaf being able to get to and kill their Carry. With this being the new decision point surrounding Ragnarok, I’ve scaled the duration back 1 second, as I believe that Olafs should now be casting Ragnarok slightly later in teamfights once he’s closer and facing imminent CC rather than using it at the start of his approach to mitigate all the incoming damage. I also think these changes holistically add a nice side effect of giving CC-users a small satisfaction out of forcing Olaf’s ult by hitting his resists, thought this is admittedly pretty minor.

So this is where I’m starting with my changes. Feel free to let me know what you think and I’ll try to address any concerns you guys want to bring up. As I said before, this is an early iteration and I expect to be doing a whole bunch of iterations before getting to where we need to be with Olaf.







  • Base damage is now 57.2 ( down from 57.6)
  • Base damage now  gets +3.1 per level (down from +3.5 )
  • Base mana is now 235 ( down from 270)
  • Base mana now gets +35 per level ( down from +45 per level)
  • Ragnarok [ R ] - Now divided to a Passive and an Active
  • Ragnarok [ R ] - Passive: Olaf gains 10/20/30 Armor and 10/20/30 Magic Resist.
  • Ragnarok [ R ] - Active: Olaf removes all disables from himself and becomes immune to them for the next 6 seconds. During this time, Olaf loses the passive portion of Ragnarok and gains 40/60/80 Attack Damage.
  • Ragnarok [ R ] - Cost 0/0/0 (Previously 100/75/50 Mana)
  • Ragnarok [ R ] - Cooldown changed to 120/100/80 Seconds (from 100/100/100)
  • Reckless Swing [ E ] - Now deals 100/145/190/235/280 (+40% Bonus AD) True damage (down from 100/160/220/280/340 true damage)
  • Reckless Swing [ E ] - Added to the tooltip: 'This ability's cost is equal to 40 % of the total damage dealt.'
  • Reckless Swing [ E ] - Added to the tooltip: 'Basic attacks lower the cooldown of Reckless Swing by 1 second.'
  • Reckless Swing [ E ] - Cooldown is now 12/11/10/9/8 Seconds (up from 9/8/7/6/5)
  • Undertow [ Q ] -Tooltip now says: 'Olaf throws an axe to a target location, dealing 65/110/155/200/245 (+100% Bonus AD) physical damage to units it passes through and slowing them by 35/40/45/50/55 % for up to 2 seconds.The further the Axe flies, the longer the slow lasts,but it is never less than 1 second.'
  • Vicious Strikes [ W ] - Tooltip now says: 'For 6 seconds, Olaf's Attack Speed is increased by 30/45/60/75/90 % and he gains 8/10.5/13/15.5/18 % Lifesteal.During this time,Olaf also receives 1% increased healing from all sources for every 2.5 % of Health he was missing when Vicious Strikes was activated.'
  • Vicious Strikes [ W ] - Now costs 35 Mana (changed from 40/45/50/55/60)

hes gonna be pretty weak early, but hopefully he will come back.




 dem gambit fans

Posted (edited)

Lol my list looks like that except it's all TSM


Pulsefire is where it's at tho!

Edited by Wrecka

Lost my series and down to 57 lp.


wht the fuck.


57lp wat, dont you usually just go to like 80?

Posted (edited)

Now has a minimum throw distance of 450 unit


  • Axes now stick in walls and structures rather than going through them

edit: btw u go down from 100 as if u werent in promo so u mustve lost both and like 21lp each time =[

Edited by One Flame

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