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Back lads, time to carry on climbing 

ahhh feels good being home after this hectic week.


Grats everyone on their promotions btw GL on gold


Alright so I have 16 champs now, full AD rune page for top/some junglers/adc. But im scared and not sure if im ready for my placement matches yet.


Wat do :(


play draft to see how u do


Play ur placement games man. Whatever division you get placed into, you will only go up from there.

Or play a few provisionals and see how they go. If u do horrible then go practice more.


Alright so I have 16 champs now, full AD rune page for top/some junglers/adc. But im scared and not sure if im ready for my placement matches yet.


Wat do :(

Which Quints. Ad or life steal?


If you dont get ad you are fucked you have a horrible unfilled ap page and from the looks of it like only a proper adc mastery page lol

Dont be scared to do your placements but honestly if you do it now you will 70% chance get stuck in a really low elo and carry on to getting worse and worse mmr, if i were you i would wait but do what makes you happy ;d

Posted (edited)

But from experience you can be baller like me and start ranked from after 300~ games and win 8 of your promo series and have high enough mmr to always get your role

Or do wat jon did and rush in and like loose them all and get stuck in forever bronze xd

Edited by Farmoil

Okay so first game, got ADC and holy fuck the players were bad. Everyone in our team was in their placement matches.


Had an all AD team, 3 people go mid to get annie, first blood for annie + triple kill, im fucking done.


these guys are so shit I cant believe it


Okay so first game, got ADC and holy fuck the players were bad. Everyone in our team was in their placement matches.


Had an all AD team, 3 people go mid to get annie, first blood for annie + triple kill, im fucking done.


these guys are so shit I cant believe it


Okay so first game, got ADC and holy fuck the players were bad. Everyone in our team was in their placement matches.


Had an all AD team, 3 people go mid to get annie, first blood for annie + triple kill, im fucking done.


these guys are so shit I cant believe it

haha this is the thing lennu, you can blame them as much as you want but if you cant carry you are at the same level as them 


if you found it fun keep playing and who knows you may get carried for a game or two but 70% of your games you will come out of it with the same as you just came out of this


Yeah you got a point. Was just about to start carrying but our team surrendered 4to1 owell, lets see what the next game brings.


and btw dont even bother playing on EUW atm queue times are ridiculous.


wtf cant get into games.


Haven't had the time for ranked,

So I'm just grinding out 6300 IP for Zed.

Any idea on how bad he is going to get nerfed; if he is going to get nerfed.


Haven't had the time for ranked,

So I'm just grinding out 6300 IP for Zed.

Any idea on how bad he is going to get nerfed; if he is going to get nerfed.

they already did a little nerf by i think increasing the cd on his e (before in one shadow you used to be able to get off 2 e's in the time before his shadow disappeared without cdr) 


they may possibly increase cd on his ult, I doubt they will increase cd on his other spells but maybe they will decrease the damage on deathmark and some other stuff, this is all guessing btw they may decide he is a balanced champ  and doesn't need to be touched Kappa


zed's good if you can combo well. takes a while to get used to though.


Won 2nd placement, Eve jungle carried so hard.


One more then bed

Posted (edited)

IMO riot sees that Zed isn't broken/OP as fk since it takes quite a bit of skill/practice to get the combo off correctly. I've seen a lot of Zeds ulting and doing like 100 dmg cause they don't even know how it works. Or using their shadows totally wrong. Probably saw Faker play it and omg it must be op must play

Edited by Wrecka
Posted (edited)

Farmoil was right, I need to carry the games and it just isnt happenin :(


So todays games.. I won lanes in all games (cept for eve jungle obv) and was doing fine. We hit 20min mark, game is around 2-15 or so with me having the only kills and we end up surrendering in 3 games.


I maybe should have waited longer until playing ranked because I just cant carry hard enough.

Edited by Lennu

Yeah you should have waited lol it's a bad idea to go str8 into ranked


Yeah you should have waited lol it's a bad idea to go str8 into ranked


Yeah I just figured since season ends soon ish id just rush into ranked. You play placements again after Season 4 starts correct? 


If yes then ill probs play better then.



Yeah you should have waited lol it's a bad idea to go str8 into ranked


Yeah I just figured since season ends soon ish id just rush into ranked. You play placements again after Season 4 starts correct? 


If yes then ill probs play better then.


I think it's a soft elo reset and it stores your previous elo. Next season you'll do your placements starting at where u left off and if you win all of you end up at like the next tier or something like that


If you do this season and end up in bronze when s4 comes around if i win 8~ games ill get gold insta prob whereas if you win 6 or so you will max prob bronze 1, thats my grasp on the way the elo reset is workin dunno if thats fully correct


soft reset. If you end up at like S2, you'll be like bronze 5 or s1 next season.


Just do your placements as silver is easy to get into and you'll get the boarder


I really need to start playing 1 champ... I get so bored though but if you get solid on a champ its so easy to carry

Posted (edited)

kk name change done now to main lee sin until im better than insec rof





Edited by Farmoil

Nice name farmoil lol

Won my 5th placement, noticed I get like gold players against me when I duoq so ill just solo placements since its relatively easy

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