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you wont get better if you're just kerbstomping people your level.


i got to silver 3 by shitting on baddies


you wont get better if you're just kerbstomping people your level.


No. I am getting better, that's exactly what I'm doing. As I level up my opponents keep getting better. Eventually it's all lvl 30's that I play against.



you wont get better if you're just kerbstomping people your level.


i got to silver 3 by shitting on baddies



half the time you whined about being up against plats.


Ok just played my best game so far on League. I carried, enough said. Was the most fun I've had playing this game.


Is that fred on the other team?

Nvm not negative enough kd and too much cs to be fred hueheuh


ahahahaha farmoil ahahahaha



u got carried so hard lol

gz tho

bronze IV on euw achieved

its hard to carry when ur team tells U to go all tank lol



eve jungle so op in low-ish elo


so fun to just run in get 5man ult and burst the carry and zhonya right after and let the team finish it.


Ill never adc solo in ranked anymore


I need some silver elo supps on my friendlist pls.


i used to supp (at silver) and realized that no one else is good enough usually to carry


Gonna start jungling more, im not dependant on anyone else.


at 37lp silver 3 now after jungling for a few games.


1 more win and ill think ill get gold v promo series, on like a 6 win streak atmo lol carrying like all except one where i was like 3/2/11 support cait and got carried by dpaps 


c9 play fnc monday


bout to see some eu get booty clapped :^)


I also hope c9 win and go far into the tourny but I also wanted to see fnc do good, sucks they drew each other =[


Ill never adc solo in ranked anymore


I need some silver elo supps on my friendlist pls.

i can support. duo with me :))::):):)1


Name change cus not gna play lee only i get too bored




u hav a spending problem

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