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u hav a spending problem

w8 till u see my next name


warmogs riven is gud




just the usual, wish me luck on gold v




i believ in u


Hoping to make it to silver2 on the weekend

I could possibly jungle my way to gold5 before this season ends, we'll see


ofc he stay ahead he plays 10 games a day when i take 4 day gaps

Wot i play max of 2 ranked a day and mon-thurs i sometimes dont even get a game in u fiora lovin mess


ofc he stay ahead he plays 10 games a day when i take 4 day gaps

Wot i play max of 2 ranked a day and mon-thurs i sometimes dont even get a game in u fiora lovin mess



i played telos/runenova for 6 weeks without playing a single game of league so yeah i win


Grats gwass


im starting to jungle more, what champs are a must buy.

Posted (edited)

hecarim, lee sin, jarvan, volibear, nasus, nautilus, xin zhao (dunno if still good in jungle)

Edited by My Gwas

Ill probably buy jarvan and try it out before I buy anything else.

Posted (edited)

j4 heca eve rammus

Edited by DeltaPapa

j4 heca eve rammus


bought j4 and noct, had eve already and good results in ranked.


im learning mechanics for j4 and noct atm and its pretty challenging, maybe a few more games of normals and im ready 4 ranked


Fucking hell I hate supporting bad Adc's.  40 cs at 20 minutes, go in at wrong times, don't go in at right times.


I now remember why I don't play summoners rift now especially when I'm support..


Fucking hell I hate supporting bad Adc's. 40 cs at 20 minutes, go in at wrong times, don't go in at right times.

I now remember why I don't play summoners rift now especially when I'm support..

Only bitches play support.. suits you




Fucking hell I hate supporting bad Adc's. 40 cs at 20 minutes, go in at wrong times, don't go in at right times.

I now remember why I don't play summoners rift now especially when I'm support..

Only bitches play support.. suits you



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