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its because livq thinks he's as good as lvl 30's already so he wants a proper team comp.


i had the same problem, nobody supported ever and lanes were weird as fuck. I raged alot pre-20

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Rof i sucked pre 30 used to go nidalee bot with my mate on malph and we would get 6 and hide in a bush and malph ult and ko the person huehuh

Gud times

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90% of the games we have no jungler and most games some idiot is trying out a new champ for the first time without knowing any of his/her mechanics. 

err... where else are they supposed to try out new champs? 



If you have no clue what to do on a new champ, I would go play a couple bot games to learn the mechanics before joining a normal game and being totally useless. Example was a Malphite today that went 0 to 12 while duoing top with me.


its because livq thinks he's as good as lvl 30's already so he wants a proper team comp.


No, I'm not on the level of 30's yet, not even close tbh. But there is a huge difference between playing with 13's or 30's. I need to find myself opponents around level 20 or so for proper games where I get myself some challenge, but also have the opportunity to do well time to time. 

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i played blitzcrank adc from levels 1-25 then mained olaf from 25 to 500 games played


only really started playing 'well' past few weeks

can vouch even though I haven't played with him recently he used to be shocking before and now I'm pleasantly surprised with his end game stats.. as much as we mock him for only playing fiora and nidalee hes climbing elo with it so nice one freddy boi

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Taking a break from ranked for a while, not enough champs to counterpick effectively. So far I have like 3 junglers and 3 adc's.


Learning ashe sivir and mf atm.


Silver 3 1lp atm lol

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i played blitzcrank adc from levels 1-25 then mained olaf from 25 to 500 games played


only really started playing 'well' past few weeks

can vouch even though I haven't played with him recently he used to be shocking before and now I'm pleasantly surprised with his end game stats.. as much as we mock him for only playing fiora and nidalee hes climbing elo with it so nice one freddy boi



thanks bby


although i wish i hadn't played nidalee earlier on as my averages are shocking due to the supporting i used to do


i regularly get 10+ kills and 15+ assists and hardly ever get over 5 deaths anymore, yet my averages are like 4.7 4.8 7

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Lol wtff how are people so bad 50 cs 30 mins


Whoa they're vulcun fans i see


played with livq (lvl13) so I got matched up with shitty lvl 30s in bronze and some unranked baddies.

Doublekill every few mins in botlane.

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Lol wtff how are people so bad 50 cs 30 mins


Whoa they're vulcun fans i see


played with livq (lvl13) so I got matched up with shitty lvl 30s in bronze and some unranked baddies.

Doublekill every few mins in botlane.



was a fun match bro. Didn't do too bad considering they were shitty lvl 30's and im 13.

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Dont play sivir ashe if you want to pick up more adcs, which u play atm? If only cait and vayne better adcs over the ones you said is corki/ez/twitch

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Dont play sivir ashe if you want to pick up more adcs, which u play atm? If only cait and vayne better adcs over the ones you said is corki/ez/twitch


Yeah its probably not a good idea to play sivir or ashe since they are both lower tier. Im using them until I can afford buying new ones, should be able to afford a 4.8k ip one tomorrow.


edit: answer to the question: I play Cait and Ashe mostly and vayne sometimes. I don't own many champs but i've played on all adcs during free weeks, so I know how the champs work.

Edited by Lennu
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Dont play sivir ashe if you want to pick up more adcs, which u play atm? If only cait and vayne better adcs over the ones you said is corki/ez/twitch


Yeah its probably not a good idea to play sivir or ashe since they are both lower tier. Im using them until I can afford buying new ones, should be able to afford a 4.8k ip one tomorrow.


edit: answer to the question: I play Cait and Ashe mostly and vayne sometimes. I don't own many champs but i've played on all adcs during free weeks, so I know how the champs work.


buy ez

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Corki will get the nerf soon, and triforce as well wouldn't go for him. Ezreal varus twitch imo. But trist is my fave

Corki is free elo atm, sucks because when I have time I get max of 2 ranked games in so I dont have time to practice him or else I would just spam the fuck out of him cus hes broken as fk in this patch
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Corki will get the nerf soon, and triforce as well wouldn't go for him. Ezreal varus twitch imo. But trist is my fave

Corki is free elo atm, sucks because when I have time I get max of 2 ranked games in so I dont have time to practice him or else I would just spam the fuck out of him cus hes broken as fk in this patch


Ye atm triforce is strong as fk on ez corki kog but triforce will get the d soon :( Ap corki is insane too, dem rockets, oh and his W is like a mini rumble ult

Edited by Wrecka
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was close to getting my first penta, but a blitz intentionally stole the 5th from me :/


o well I will get it later. Surprised I managed to pull a quadra vs lvl 30's though :D


Doesnt count if someone lets you have it


and nice farmoil. Who am i going to duo with now =[

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