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getting annoyed with the lvl13's I play with. No cooperation or teamwork whatsoever. 90% of the games we have no jungler and most games some idiot is trying out a new champ for the first time without knowing any of his/her mechanics. 20 minutes in I'm carrying our team already, until a 4v1 surrender vote happens. I'm fucking done


Brb gonna go spend bank on xp boosts to get out of these chit levels for good.

it doesnt get any better LOL

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getting annoyed with the lvl13's I play with. No cooperation or teamwork whatsoever. 90% of the games we have no jungler and most games some idiot is trying out a new champ for the first time without knowing any of his/her mechanics. 20 minutes in I'm carrying our team already, until a 4v1 surrender vote happens. I'm fucking done


Brb gonna go spend bank on xp boosts to get out of these chit levels for good.

it doesnt get any better LOL


this lmao only thing is runes maybe and full masteries.


Man I played my first games in gold so I wouldn't decay and god damn it's worse than silver. People give up so easily. Oh well easy wins lol easy +56 in 2 games

Edited by Wrecka
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Gz farmoil.

Tried Jax for the first time. Fun as fuck. Nida too but my fingers hurt from having to button mash so much when playing her. Lennu can confirm my spear accuracy is decent.

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Gz farmoil.

Tried Jax for the first time. Fun as fuck. Nida too but my fingers hurt from having to button mash so much when playing her. Lennu can confirm my spear accuracy is decent.


not as accurate as my ashe arrows

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love the fact I can play ranked whenever the fk I want and it doesnt matter if I go afk or anything because Im gold so dont care if i lose hueheueh this division system is dumb

Edited by Farmoil
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I play well against high silver low gold adcs in normals, but choke hard against silver elo players in ranked.


Cus normals mean nothing


ye i dont even care in normals anymore which relieves pressure

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Playing adc in low elo is probably the most annoying thing in league for me right now.

Adc is great at low elo wtf, bait your team and just come in and clean up ezpz

Only thing i dislike is playing with supports who put no pressure/poke on enemy ad and cant get basic vision control n get hooked/die to ad

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duo you get paired against people with higher total mmr than your team, so you get one good teammate but the rest of yours are generally worse


whenever i duo i get shat on

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i abuse duoq


i am Silver I with average MMR and my partner is Silver V with Bronze V mmr, but he can play jungle really really well and support properly too, so I get first pick and take Nidalee top/mid and he supps/jungles and we won like 17/18 so far lol



got invited to some massacre kids ranked team played 3 games they were all so bad

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I got 6,8k IP saved right now, as I haven't been buying any champs in a long time.


So far I have basically only played Riven top and AP Annie mid. I enjoy both champs a lot, but I think I should start to learn something else as well.


I can buy any champ in the game, but I dont know what I want to get. Give me ideas/recommendations for champs, preferably ones suitable for mid or toplane. I want something which is fun and can be strong if played right.

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Playing adc in low elo is probably the most annoying thing in league for me right now.

Adc is great at low elo wtf, bait your team and just come in and clean up ezpz

Only thing i dislike is playing with supports who put no pressure/poke on enemy ad and cant get basic vision control n get hooked/die to ad




This is what annoys me the most, I usually get those nidalee supps who dont buy wards and say "trap is enuf".


I play against premade botlanes almost every game too. I need a duoq partner

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Playing adc in low elo is probably the most annoying thing in league for me right now.

Adc is great at low elo wtf, bait your team and just come in and clean up ezpz

Only thing i dislike is playing with supports who put no pressure/poke on enemy ad and cant get basic vision control n get hooked/die to ad




This is what annoys me the most, I usually get those nidalee supps who dont buy wards and say "trap is enuf".


I play against premade botlanes almost every game too. I need a duoq partner



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