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1 more inb4 lose


First game i had a beast of a lee sin who was like 4/0/3 within 10 mins and managed to get me like 4/0/2


Second game, their team was arguing in all chat from like 4 mins in rofl



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You need to get win streaks going. Like me and Farmoil will gain 25lp for a win, but only lose like 7lp for a loss.


How does the lp thing work, i always get 18-19 and lose the same amount. Fuk

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Becuause of our  win streaks our mmr is much higher and it thinks we should be in a much higher devision then we should be. So its helping us get there.


Whereas your mmr is probably silver 5/4 and its evolving that around you.


put basically anyway.



And fuck i hate gold already. The teams you get are so shit its unreal. Had a plat olaf who had never jungled in his life before. And a plat duo bot who were just shit

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Becuause of our  win streaks our mmr is much higher and it thinks we should be in a much higher devision then we should be. So its helping us get there.


Whereas your mmr is probably silver 5/4 and its evolving that around you.


put basically anyway.



And fuck i hate gold already. The teams you get are so shit its unreal. Had a plat olaf who had never jungled in his life before. And a plat duo bot who were just shit



Yeah guess I just gotta stick with ranked and eventually a winstreak will happen.

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im maining jinx when she's released.

Rofl I said that about lucian then he turned out to be dog shite



Becuause of our  win streaks our mmr is much higher and it thinks we should be in a much higher devision then we should be. So its helping us get there.


Whereas your mmr is probably silver 5/4 and its evolving that around you.


put basically anyway.



And fuck i hate gold already. The teams you get are so shit its unreal. Had a plat olaf who had never jungled in his life before. And a plat duo bot who were just shit


rofl I told you the V divisions is full of trolls and retards who probably got boosted, glad I dont have time for ranked now tho

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Yeah i don't even want to play ranked atm i have gold v mmr im in silver II theres a troll/afk every game its so boring lol, lost so many points through riot servers/people giving up after being a kill behind at 7 mins cos they don't care if they lose cos they got gold v...


roll on season 4 plox

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Wait so say I get to silver v. I can't go back down to bronze unless I don't play for like a month?


Yeah, cant drop out from your league unless you get lp decay aka dont play for 28days.

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Wait so say I get to silver v. I can't go back down to bronze unless I don't play for like a month?


Yeah, cant drop out from your league unless you get lp decay aka dont play for 28days.



holy fuck diamond v must suck balls.

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