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Cop is back on Curse now rofl,doesnt look like their other team is going to happen.


I reckon Voyboy might quit curse next season  or something. Was watching his stream this morning and when the news came  that apro had been kicked he hadnt even been told and looked upset that he didnt get a say in the matter

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lol was like 9/5 with fiora and my client crashed.


it starts working about 8 minutes later, my team had surrendered.


got demoted when i was on 68 LP lol.


fuck riot tbh

>plays fiora

>mads when he gets demoted





typical 4chan user making retarded post which logic does not apply correctly to what happened lol!


so bronze

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Was litrally 1 redbuff tick from getting a penta with jax


Lennu and Insec can vouch =[


yh rip pentakill


I really hate league right now, i didn't play for 2 days suddenly im like bronze 5 mechanics and cardboard 5 decision making.



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Was litrally 1 redbuff tick from getting a penta with jax


Lennu and Insec can vouch =[


yh rip pentakill


I really hate league right now, i didn't play for 2 days suddenly im like bronze 5 mechanics and cardboard 5 decision making.




so stop whining and keep playing to regain what you once had. wont take long.

and ye can confirm deltz was so close.

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I would love my game to have been like that




Was lane nasus so my Q dmg was into about 400 at this point. Shame it ended so quickly.

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Thoughts on Sona? Imo it's quite overpowered and love having her as supp in my lane. I'm playing Vayne only atm.

sona is my number one support atm. safest pick if you're new to the role imo. no skillshots except the ult and even that isn't hard to hit.

easy to harass the enemies with in laning phase once you learn the range, and good sustain in lane if your adc needs it. 

although most people dont know that sona can harass as well, they just spam w. at least in my elo.

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Thoughts on Sona? Imo it's quite overpowered and love having her as supp in my lane. I'm playing Vayne only atm.

sona is my number one support atm. safest pick if you're new to the role imo. no skillshots except the ult and even that isn't hard to hit.

easy to harass the enemies with in laning phase once you learn the range, and good sustain in lane if your adc needs it. 

although most people dont know that sona can harass as well, they just spam w. at least in my elo.


Support meh!


vayne+janna = broken


well not in bronze at least


Hmm, been supported by Sona quite a few times now, pretty epic tbh. I hate kids taking champs like Ezreal to Bot when you already called it

Edited by Marc
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