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Shes squishy as fk.


Minions  have more hp then  her at lvl 1. Go leona, blitz, thresh and  ur gonna put so much pressence on that lane.


Shes squishy as fk.


Minions  have more hp then  her at lvl 1. Go leona, blitz, thresh and  ur gonna put so much pressence on that lane.

blitz and thresh wont work unless you can actually land your shit which most low elo's (myself included) cant.

Leona's your best choice for a hard engage support.

Posted (edited)


Shes squishy as fk.


Minions  have more hp then  her at lvl 1. Go leona, blitz, thresh and  ur gonna put so much pressence on that lane.

blitz and thresh wont work unless you can actually land your shit which most low elo's (myself included) cant.

Leona's your best choice for a hard engage support.


2/3 are also banned 90% of the time. Lulu/Janna/Leona are very good picks as well. I personally go sona though.. i just run armor reds if it's a hard poke lane. Her sustain/poke/Cc is just too good. If you're good at landing skill shots zyra is fun as fuck

Edited by Wrecka

hotkeys if you go balls deep i will support you. like rubbing your balls against the turret balls deep.


I will now be only using fiddlesticks in all my games. Been playing him a lot mid, so much fun.


Fuck fiddle that fucking piece of shit!! fucking 2 years of cc


I dunno how many of you check Reddit/LoLforums but they are brining forward a Team Builder where you can join a ranked queue with your prefered role selected and be selected with 4 other people in other roles.


So i would pick my prefered role as Top Lane, and 4 other people would have selected the other roles.




Seems good, kinda enforcing the meta though imo. Be good but i expect long long queue times for the mid/top roles =[


^ currently only going to go onto normal games, however people expect it to go onto Ranked as well


What happens if I were to queue up as like support but lock in a mid? Sounds good but I can already see "Why the fuck you queue up for ___ you fucking suck at ___ l2p"


What happens if I were to queue up as like support but lock in a mid? Sounds good but I can already see "Why the fuck you queue up for ___ you fucking suck at ___ l2p"


I believe there is a captain (sorta like first pick) who can disagree with the team comp they see and then move on to a different team. Or you as a team can select whether or not you want this person on your team for the game. Not sure how it fully works, but its something along them lines it seems


The team builder looks good imo but no one will support. Long q times incoming.

Posted (edited)

hotkeys if you go balls deep i will support you. like rubbing your balls against the turret balls deep.

Haha i'll hit you up for a game later today ^^


The team builder looks good imo but no one will support. Long q times incoming.

 When i created an account, i was looking for this, like pre-selecting your champion.. Defo support this Team Builder idea, even tho i'm afraid of the long q's...

Edited by Marc


What happens if I were to queue up as like support but lock in a mid? Sounds good but I can already see "Why the fuck you queue up for ___ you fucking suck at ___ l2p"


I believe there is a captain (sorta like first pick) who can disagree with the team comp they see and then move on to a different team. Or you as a team can select whether or not you want this person on your team for the game. Not sure how it fully works, but its something along them lines it seems


Interesting.. that actually sounds really good. 

And actually i've seen A LOT more people calling support. Idk if it had to do with worlds and realizing supports CAN really carry the game or it's really easy elo



7/11 caitlyn with 1.5k wins.




my teams are so op...


i was like 7/2 when my team were 12/30


did u lose that one

Posted (edited)

if he's that mad i'm gonna go for a long shot and say yes he did

Edited by Wrecka

myabe u shudda roamed and helped :P!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but nah i swear u get unlucky teams


yeah i lost.


and i do roam and help honestly lol, its when i roam and help i start falling behind cos the other lanes have already fed them :(


literally happened this game i just played, went 5/1 in 7 mins with fizz top, went bot to help cos their corki was 4/0, killed him once but then when i leave lane they die again (jungler/adc/supp) corki ends up 17/3 ...






come back


Played shit all week, cant be bothered with this crappppppppppppppppp

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