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This Bloke ****ing Feeds


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Played shit all week, cant be bothered with this crappppppppppppppppp

duo with me sometime and i'll support you. you won't be disappoint as long as you don't pussy out.



Played shit all week, cant be bothered with this crappppppppppppppppp

duo with me sometime and i'll support you. you won't be disappoint as long as you don't pussy out.


Lennu is getting frustrated lool! Tbh Lennu just stick to 1 champ you really like to have some fun again..

I'm just bossing Vayneeee and enjoying it


beast thread

 Beast forums u mean



come back

Bored of it atm




come back

Bored of it atm



how bored of gta  are you, out of 10





mf spent the entire game calling our team tards, didn't come to teamfights at all


the rest fed...


then me 10/5 ...


my luck in select is so harsh..


mf's build lmao

Posted (edited)



My idiot teammates were too afraid to die..




First Quadra kill in this game haha

Edited by Marc

lvl 14 what u expect lol


Ya at that level they just spend the whole game team fighting lol. y spirit visage tho??


Ya at that level they just spend the whole game team fighting lol. y spirit visage tho??

better lifesteal tho idk. 

in the future get guardian angel.

and on vayne you should never stop farming. never.



Ya at that level they just spend the whole game team fighting lol. y spirit visage tho??

better lifesteal tho idk. 

in the future get guardian angel.

and on vayne you should never stop farming. never.


Ye ga would've been the better pick up. Ya but low level u know after laning phase it's just team fight buy team fight buy team fight buy until eventually minions kill the towers




Ya at that level they just spend the whole game team fighting lol. y spirit visage tho??

better lifesteal tho idk. 

in the future get guardian angel.

and on vayne you should never stop farming. never.


Ye ga would've been the better pick up. Ya but low level u know after laning phase it's just team fight buy team fight buy team fight buy until eventually minions kill the towers


so its all about luck? :DD:DD:DDDD



come back
Bored of it atm

how bored of gta are you, out of 10


omg ur so gay





Ya at that level they just spend the whole game team fighting lol. y spirit visage tho??

better lifesteal tho idk. 

in the future get guardian angel.

and on vayne you should never stop farming. never.


Ye ga would've been the better pick up. Ya but low level u know after laning phase it's just team fight buy team fight buy team fight buy until eventually minions kill the towers


so its all about luck? :DD:DD:DDDD


Hmm idk, i liked picking spirit visage tho, and i hate farming really. I think i'm too lazy to sit there 30 mins trying to last hit minions.. I do try to last hit in beginning, then i just yolo autoattack and will get the coins eventually.. And ye pretty new to the game lol, yolo!

Posted (edited)

get plat 3 lose 4 games in a row dont get demoted and win 1 game get +19 lp


Edited by FearMy Def

hotkeys if u can get better at farming at ur lvl u will carry all ur games trust me.

more farm = more gold = u get items faster = ur stronger than anyone


most people at ur elo dont care about farm and thats mostly why they're shit.


hotkeys if u can get better at farming at ur lvl u will carry all ur games trust me.

more farm = more gold = u get items faster = ur stronger than anyone


most people at ur elo dont care about farm and thats mostly why they're shit.

ye trying mate but it's annoying as fuck imo. I'm just lazy to put so much effort into last hitting




Lux mid

winning my lane

caitlyn starts crying because nautilus won't ward

she comes mid

lose lane now because of her because she starts feeding

tell her to ward herself if it bothers her so much

"adcs dont ward"

kill me


that team builder thing looks sickkkkkk


the only thing i see is that you can't change ur champ based on the enemy team, so it's all about your own


still sounds like a ton of fun though




teams like this don't help either.

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