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that team builder thing looks sickkkkkk


the only thing i see is that you can't change ur champ based on the enemy team, so it's all about your own


still sounds like a ton of fun though


Designed for normals, must be different for blind pick.


shouldve used a teemo


People are saying don't play ashe? She is one of the best adc's in any elo. She's not good against Ez but imo she is one of the best.


People are saying don't play ashe? She is one of the best adc's in any elo. She's not good against Ez but imo she is one of the best.

no escape mech

but yeah you can get easy first blood on her with her passive + w and if your support has ignite.

good engage too.


People are saying don't play ashe? She is one of the best adc's in any elo. She's not good against Ez but imo she is one of the best.


One of the weaker adc's, her range, slow and ultimate make her a semi-viable adc


There are so many better adc's to play though.


She is a utility carry, in solo q utility adc isnt really the strongest so its better to use strong hypercarries like vayne.

Shes good in premade teams when comps are built around her because positioning mistakes can fuck ashe harder then other adcs as she has no escapes and is a low skill cap champ and there is not much room for outplay


josh wats ur gamertag


josh wats ur gamertag


fk u delta i dodged now 25 min q timer 


fk u delta i dodged now 25 min q timer 




Stuck in bronze 1. Literally cannot win go 2 or 3 games without someone feeding or afking.



was 8 - 0 at like 20 minutes

started getting silly after that  :p


o and gp ragequit after i got 1st blood and camped his lane rofl



cant do ranked yet on this acc but im still impressed :^)


lol wot andrew. how are u not lvl 30 yet


lol wot andrew. how are u not lvl 30 yet

gave my main to GFX started a new acc because my mmr was stupidly low

(let tederick play ranked on my account while i was busy with foe during battlescape)


You are still going back straight to bronze andrew rof


You are still going back straight to bronze andrew rof

we'll see


gl andrew.


getting close to lvl 20 finally get some tier 3 runes :p


Curious question,

Do you guys use the LoL Reddit,

I drifted towards it after I was banned.

Posted (edited)

reddit is for newfags

Edited by Skidddz

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