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doubt im  ever going to use those


lost promo.

down to 50 lp.

tomorrow guise i swear.


ffs delta so lucky i got piece of shit ryze and ashe skins lmao


delta if ur smurfs on eu add mine we can take nexus in 15 mins


not gonan play on my smurf anymore.


Was litrally just to get to 20


Feral Warwick and Fiddle Me timbers


both 520rp skins iirc =[


out of rp so thats all skins i got


ok so no one wants to ward anymore and the enemy team is able to get baron without a problem because no one seems to know what a fucking ward is.


ok so no one wants to ward anymore and the enemy team is able to get baron without a problem because no one seems to know what a fucking ward is.


You can buy wards too yo



ok so no one wants to ward anymore and the enemy team is able to get baron without a problem because no one seems to know what a fucking ward is.


You can buy wards too yo



ok so no one wants to ward anymore and the enemy team is able to get baron without a problem because no one seems to know what a fucking ward is.

You can buy wards too yo


why am i getting such low lp per win?

Silver 1 division I went from silver 5 to silver 1 without losing a promo series

now im getting +5 a win every win and -4 a loss

idk how my MMR can be still be so fucked from bronze elohell when i cruised through silver so easily
-last 10 games has been 8/2 in win/loss


dw we get u gold by 11th


why am i getting such low lp per win?

Silver 1 division I went from silver 5 to silver 1 without losing a promo series

now im getting +5 a win every win and -4 a loss

idk how my MMR can be still be so fucked from bronze elohell when i cruised through silver so easily

-last 10 games has been 8/2 in win/loss

Cause the system is clamping you to make sure you are ready for the next tier. Unless your MMR is super high it's gonna stay like that. I had +5 for my first game in s1 then +20 the rest


lost series for silver. YES!@!


lost series for silver. YES!@!


Was playing on PBE today. God damn the game is changed. Masteries are totally diff, gain levels faster. Expected the jungle camp they added to be a bit harder than it is. Looks poorly done





Was watching odd ones stream and noticed as soon as some guy logs on, rengar is banned in every single game. Who is this godly player, why does he play rengar so well, and who can i master that people will fear me


Was watching odd ones stream and noticed as soon as some guy logs on, rengar is banned in every single game. Who is this godly player, why does he play rengar so well, and who can i master that people will fear me

Master trynd and split push ur way to victory then two hit whoever comes to you


Was watching odd ones stream and noticed as soon as some guy logs on, rengar is banned in every single game. Who is this godly player, why does he play rengar so well, and who can i master that people will fear me

theres a player who is named only rengar who's pretty godly at rengar

I don't think he plays as often anymore tho


who can i master that people will fear me


Nasus. Jax. Vayne. Syndra. Ryze.


Was watching odd ones stream and noticed as soon as some guy logs on, rengar is banned in every single game. Who is this godly player, why does he play rengar so well, and who can i master that people will fear me


queen diana banned for 3 months straight bcos of me

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