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I mained syndra when it was cool


btw im gold now


I mained syndra when it was cool


btw im gold now

yes you got gold nice!

Tried syndra.. fuck sakes playing with balls is hard.. bjergerking makes it look ez

Is kinda like ori right?



Tried syndra.. fuck sakes playing with balls is hard.. bjergerking makes it look ez

Is kinda like ori right?


Ye but oris easier to me


They better not nerf Nid...


I'm just God of the jungle


Nasus is ridiculously strong atm I didnt even realise how horrible he is to play against


I was in a lane vs malphite so free farm had 600 stacks in 30 min rip everybody


Nasus is ridiculously strong atm I didnt even realise how horrible he is to play against I was in a lane vs malphite so free farm had 600 stacks in 30 min rip everybody

towers must have cried

yep i was playing as darius and got a triple kill then got killed


How do I beat Syndra in lane srsly..


Punish when she is off cool-downs. Survive her burst and then go all in.


How do I beat Syndra in lane srsly..


she is very squishy early on, stack a bit of MR early and try to poke her back to base, if you can make her b before you and hit 6 before her, go all in


played syndra went 18-4 damn wrecks


sounds like xp waste 2 me


sounds like xp waste 2 me


so.... is season 3 over or wut


Yh s4 patch comin in like a week and official season 4 starts after preseason dunno how long itll take tho


Can you explain nid to me. I've been playing her a bit and what I found was in team fights I just spear them and heal my adc/anyone that needs a heal urgently. If you're fed do you get involved in cougar form or do you almost always just stay out. I'm talking from an ap perspective with not ad or some bruiser build.


You just stay at max range with spears and chunk everyone for half their hp, dont get involved with cougar unless its to chase down/run


Can you explain nid to me. I've been playing her a bit and what I found was in team fights I just spear them and heal my adc/anyone that needs a heal urgently.


Which is why she is fkin useless imo. Thats all she has or does.

Posted (edited)

Nids only good at sieging towers, what ppl at lower elo don't understand is that you need to engage on her. One fkn spear will eventually land and chunk someone and force em to go back. Someone with good initiate can shut her down so it doesn't happen. Just practice on landing blind spears/using her traps. They're fkn op

Edited by Wrecka

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