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I hate league now


Who played in 5v5 andrew and post the end game stats pls!!

only people who could play was like gfx and hunter so i had to reschedule :C


we'll have one another time


middle and top were taken so i selected nidalee, put on exhaust, and locked in.


23 seconds later our 4th pick selects janna and locks in.


I am now made to nidalee adc.


wish me luck!!!




rengar or afk



that janna support gold holyshit


Jungle aint even viable anymore cause duo to and bot with double targon is better. Riot fucked up. Targon is broken atm.


Jungle aint even viable anymore 

dis guy


How good is Moss Fortune? And what exactly is AD Carrying?



Jungle aint even viable anymore 

dis guy


lol lol lol

Posted (edited)

How good is Moss Fortune? And what exactly is AD Carrying?

Miss Fortune*

In game atm I'll add some general AD info for you after I finish xd


EDIT: AD carring is a role, generally it's in bottom lane with support. The role of ad is basically to just shoot people from safest distance and do a whole lot of damage whilst trying to stay far away and not take damage, almost like the snipe freezer in p2p wars and shit.


I reallyyyyyyy cant be fucked to go do indepth because it would probably take me over 10 minutes but honestly when you are starting the game dont worry about roles and champs too much, just play the free ones in which ever position and once you get the core basics of the game then you can start to think about champs/roles and all the fun stuff



Miss fortune is a pretty decent starting adc and she doesn't require much mechanical skill so shes decent to start with - other adcs which are also good starting with are graves and caitlyn 

Edited by Farmoil

trev if you really want to learn the game and get good just keep playing and playing, you can also do what I did to learn a lot about the game and just watch high level players @ http://www.twitch.tv/directory/game/League%20of%20Legends


people who will teach you a lot about the game are people like Voyboy, wingsofdeath, oddone (they all talk a lot about whats going on in the game and what people could do to improve)


there are a lot more but cant think off the top of my head but just watch people with high views and the ones with team names infront of them - eg tsm_bjergsen because they are at the top end xd


this game type is so troll LOL


cant wait to play this with 5 premades




trev i cant stress enough how much you should play with unlocked screen mode


it's much easier if you start out playing unlocked, rather than playing locked for 30 levels then realizing how much better unlocked is


to toggle between locked and unlocked screen, press 'y'


you'll know what i mean if u try it in game; it takes some getting used to but the vision you'll gain after getting used to it is worth







Thanks Uno Flamo, will try. Somewhat like full screen in RS eh?

can people gift their friends champions?


meh its kinda like full screen, but u can move ur screen away from your champion


u can gift friends champions and skins but u need to be a certain level (not sure what level exactly tho, u could look it up)


just woke up be on soom

Posted (edited)

Can you only play with people from your region?

You have to be level 10 to receive, 20 to send btw

Edited by Trev|Low Bridd

Can you only play with people from your region?

You have to be level 10 to receive, 20 to send btw

sadly yes you need to be on same server to play with each other :c


wow just found out the one for all game type is being removed in few months, why riot why


Looks like x0 is back


Looks like x0 is back

Yep haha finally someone to play with who isnt bronze or level 10, ill come on after ima celeb ;')

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