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il probs be on gw2 then




the only one who didnt want vlad...




Don't think i landed a single ability


my fave was orianna when it was bugged, 1 ball per team. was like soccer/football lmao


Looks like x0 is back

tell him to pm me


too many dodgers in one for all so sad


Taric op

150 armour @ 10 min



too many dodgers in one for all so sad


Dont like s4.

yeah i dont know whether or not i like it either. so much change and supports are basically another carry. too much gold in general going around imo its not fun when everyone has full builds... and this is coming from a support main.


about to go into a game with fiora masteries/runes vs diana as malphite mid.


they made me swap lanes putting me at a disadvantage. woot meta


Made it into Silver 3 now. Slowly making my way up. Annie is so op imo. I play her mid against almost every matchup.


about to go into a game with fiora masteries/runes vs diana as malphite mid.


they made me swap lanes putting me at a disadvantage. woot meta


malph mid is strong just build abyssal sceptre and merc treads thats enough for diana easily


Moar taric wins today




Made it into Silver 3 now. Slowly making my way up. Annie is so op imo. I play her mid against almost every matchup.


I also think annie mid is super strong especially since a lot of mids got nerfed

Moar taric wins today



fucking s4 patch, i was vs a taric who had frozen heart and warmogs at like 18 mins when I was playing vayne.... i cried



Made it into Silver 3 now. Slowly making my way up. Annie is so op imo. I play her mid against almost every matchup.


I also think annie mid is super strong especially since a lot of mids got nerfed

Moar taric wins today



fucking s4 patch, i was vs a taric who had frozen heart and warmogs at like 18 mins when I was playing vayne.... i cried


i rush wardens id have 156 armour @ 10 min Xd


one for all is way too fun lol

i heard its getting removed as well :(

Leona+Xin bot is so fkn op...my friends are nolifing it, won 25/30 games with it...  Inb4diamond


god damn hahahaha


stuck with 3 premade idiots in one for all that choose maokai


so i have to play maokai


fuck maokai


shittiest champ


That scary feeling when you just get promoted and lose you're first game. Anyone know if it's a 2 and done thing or is it completely elo?


god damn hahahaha


stuck with 3 premade idiots in one for all that choose maokai


so i have to play maokai


fuck maokai


shittiest champ


rofl me farmoil and itangoo done that.


Went ap vs kha'zik.


we got recked early, but was one shottin people by 40 mins!

Posted (edited)

That scary feeling when you just get promoted and lose you're first game. Anyone know if it's a 2 and done thing or is it completely elo?

Never been in that situation but I think its like 3 at least

Really liking draven again, didnt touch him after passive change but hes just so strong lol

Edited by Farmoil

what if i said you will never have to go back with 32% spellvamp and blue


gambit looking so strong atm... darien and genja have really improved a lot and that diamond evelynn in the last game holy shit....

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