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League Champions


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Who is

- Your best champion?

- Your worst champion?

- The champion that if on the opponents team is amazing, if on your team sucks?

- The champion you want to master?

- The champion you have most fun with?

My Best Champion:
My Worst Champion:
The champion that if on the opponents team is amazing, if on my team sucks:
Champion i want to master:
Champion i have most fun with:

Edited by DeltaPapa
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My Best Champion: Swain

My Worst Champion: Orianna

The champion that if on the opponents team is amazing, if on my team sucks: Blitz or Teemo

Champion i want to master: Orianna

Champion i have most fun with: Ryze

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- Your best champion? Chogath/Leesin

- Your worst champion? Udyr/Karma

- The champion that if on the opponents team is amazing, if on your team, sucks? Zyra/Diana

- The champion you want to master? Ezreal

- The champion you have most fun with? Ap nidalee

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- Your best champion? nidalee

- Your worst champion? tf

- The champion that if on the opponents team is amazing, if on your team, sucks? xin zhao

- The champion you want to master?elise

- The champion you have most fun with? nidalee

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Guest Tederick

My Best Champion: Darius

My Worst Champion: Vlad

The champion that if on the opponents team is amazing, if on my team sucks: Mortekaiser

Champion i want to master: Ezreal

Champion i have most fun with: Blitzcrank

Edited by Tederick
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My Best Champion: malzahar

My Worst Champion: lux

The champion that if on the opponents team is amazing, if on my team sucks: blitzcrank

Champion i want to master: jax

Champion i have most fun with: katarina

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- Your best champion? Akali

- Your worst champion? oh, where do i start? might be lee sin

- The champion that if on the opponents team is amazing, if on your team sucks? Cho'Gath

- The champion you want to master? LeBlanc & Nidalee

- The champion you have most fun with? Lux's pretty fun to steal barons with ulti

Edited by Sopuli
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- Your best champion? J4 or Shaco

- The champion that if on the opponents team is amazing, if on your team sucks? Shaco.

- The champion you want to master? Shaco

- The champion you have most fun with? Shaco.

Edited by Blitz
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My Best Champion: lux/zyra

My Worst Champion: lee sin

The champion that if on the opponents team is amazing, if on my team sucks: lee sin

Champion i want to master: shaco

Champion i have most fun with: singed

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My Best Champion: Diana

My Worst Champion: Lee sin

The champion that if on the opponents team is amazing, if on my team sucks: Singed

Champion i want to master: Shaco

Champion i have most fun with: Eve

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My Best Champion: dont play

My Worst Champion: dont play

The champion that if on the opponents team is amazing, if on my team sucks: dont play

Champion i want to master: dont play

Champion i have most fun with: dont play

sticked btw good topic m8

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My Best Champion:ur dad

My Worst Champion:ur mom

The champion that if on the opponents team is amazing, if on my team sucks: ur nan

Champion i want to master: ur sister

Champion i have most fun with: ur dad

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My Best Champion: Teemo/le Blanc/Nidalee

My Worst Champion:Hecarim

The champion that if on the opponents team is amazing, if on my team sucks:Darius

Champion i want to master: Ahri

Champion i have most fun with:blitzcrank/amumu

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- Your best champion? Ezreal

- Your worst champion? Shaco

- The champion that if on the opponents team is amazing, if on your team sucks? lee sin

- The champion you want to master? Anivia & Lee Sin

- The champion you have most fun with? Lee sin & Lux

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My Best Champion: Shaco/Garen/J4/Singed

My Worst Champion:Zed

The champion that if on the opponents team is amazing, if on my team sucks: Zed

Champion i want to master: Shaco

Champion i have most fun with: Shaco

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My Best Champion: Malphite

My Worst Champion: Ryze

The champion that if on the opponents team is amazing, if on my team sucks: Teemo

Champion i want to master: Diana

Champion i have most fun with: Syndra

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- Your best champion? Kennen

- Your worst champion? Vladamir

- The champion that if on the opponents team is amazing, if on your team sucks? Xin Zhao

- The champion you want to master? Gragas

- The champion you have most fun with? Teemo

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  • 3 weeks later...

- Your best champion? Fiora, Kog, Katarina

- Your worst champion? None

- The champion that if on the opponents team is amazing, if on your team sucks? Rammus

- The champion you want to master? Know em all

- The champion you have most fun with? Jungle Ezreal

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My Best Champion: Katarina

My Worst Champion: Nocturne

The champion that if on the opponents team is amazing, if on my team sucks: im gonna go with the whole role: jungle

Champion i want to master: Lux & Draven

Champion i have most fun with: Lux/Kata/Cait

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My Best Champion:Singed

My Worst Champion:xerath

The champion that if on the opponents team is amazing, if on my team sucks:kayle

Champion i want to master: gotta catch em all

Champion i have most fun with:Singed

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My Best Champion:nidalee

My Worst Champion:karma

The champion that if on the opponents team is amazing, if on my team sucks:teemo/blitz

Champion i want to master:singed

Champion i have most fun with:nidaleeee

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  • 1 month later...

My Best Champion: Singed
My Worst Champion: Ashe (she is sooooooo shit)
The champion that if on the opponents team is amazing, if on my team sucks: Xin
Champion i want to master: Cait... but i'd have to buy her 1st lmao... i just need to learn an ADC
Champion i have most fun with: Singed (jungle)

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