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League Champions


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My Best Champion: Lee Sin
My Worst Champion: Udyr
The champion that if on the opponents team is amazing, if on my team sucks: Diana, ezreal
Champion i want to master: Katarina
Champion i have most fun with: nidalee spear right in the forehead

  • 1 month later...
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  • Fred


  • Sopuli


  • DeltaPapa


  • Thanos



- Your best champion? nami/karma
- Your worst champion? draven
- The champion that if on the opponents team is amazing, if on your team, sucks? teemo
- The champion you want to master? casseopia (spelling :s)
- The champion you have most fun with? cass ^^


anyone likes aram should totally befriend me xD

  • 5 months later...

annie annie annie

  • 4 months later...

My Best Champion: Adc would be Vayne, Mid would be Zed/Leblanc
My Worst Champion: Yasuo
The champion that if on the opponents team is amazing, if on my team sucks: Lee sin
Champion i want to master: Cass
Champion i have most fun with: Renekton


My Best Champion: Ahri

My Worst Champion: trundle

The champion that if on the opponents team is amazing, if on my team sucks: teemo or.yi

Champion i want to master: olaf

Champion i have most fun with: nidalee


My Best Champion: Thresh for sure.
My Worst Champion: Any midlaner.
The champion that if on the opponents team is amazing, if on my team sucks: Thresh if I'm not playing him.
Champion i want to master: Vayne, Orianna
Champion i have most fun with: Orianna, Blitzcrank


My Best Champion: Katarina/Jinx
My Worst Champion: Shaco
The champion that if on the opponents team is amazing, if on my team sucks: Swain
Champion i want to master: Ahri
Champion i have most fun with: Kat/thresh

  • 9 months later...

My Best Champion: Fiora/Teemo
My Worst Champion: Gragas
The champion that if on the opponents team is amazing, if on my team sucks: blitzcrank lmfao
Champion i want to master: Leblanc
Champion i have most fun with: Teemo or Yasuo

  • 6 months later...

My Best Champion: Rengar/Riven
My Worst Champion: Viktor? never play him and laser looks annoying 
The champion that if on the opponents team is amazing, if on my team sucks: Shaco 
Champion i want to master: Riven
Champion i have most fun with: Rengar


My Best Champion: Nidalee
My Worst Champion: Rumble
The champion that if on the opponents team is amazing, if on my team sucks: Lee Sin (gg Lolsor)
Champion i want to master: Viktor
Champion i have most fun with: Lee Sin

  • 1 month later...

My Best Champion: Swain

My Worst Champion: Orianna

The champion that if on the opponents team is amazing, if on my team sucks: Blitz or Teemo

Champion i want to master: Orianna

Champion i have most fun with: Ryze

very similar to mine

  • 6 months later...
Eyo Cpt Jack

My Best Champion: Thresh
My Worst Champion: Lee sin
The champion that if on the opponents team is amazing, if on my team sucks: Lee sin
Champion i want to master: Lee sin
Champion i have most fun with: Lee sin

  • 1 month later...

My Best Champion: Definitely Elise
My Worst Champion: Probly Kog Maw, fuck passive farming :D
The champion that if on the opponents team is amazing, if on my team sucks:
Champion i want to master: Lee sin
Champion i have most fun with: Katarina.  Every time  i pick  her team is like " katarina so usless, why you pick him" every time i rek enemies they are like " op champion, you can't play any "real" champions :DD

  • 11 months later...
Posted (edited)
On 2/10/2013 at 7:30 PM, Fred said:

- Your best champion? OLAF

- The champion that if on the opponents team is amazing, if on your team sucks? FUCKING SHACOS

- The champion you want to master? Diana but cba buying

- The champion you have most fun with? OLAF


@Nice Net @Paul i ended up being a fuckin diana and olaf main after posting about them in 2013???? lmfao literally didnt play olaf for like 3 yrs and played diana for first time in 2017...

Edited by Fred
dj yolobear

i dont play league but if I did i'd be the best

  • 2 months later...

Best: Janna

Worst: Leblanc

The champion on the opponents that always does well, but if on your team they feed: Ezreal

The champion you want to master: Vladimir

The champion you have most fun with: Janna

  • 4 weeks later...

 Your best champion? Camille.


Your worst champion? I'm not sure about Champion, but I hate Support.


The champion that if on the opponents team is amazing, if on your team sucks? Hecarim.


The champion you want to master? Elise


The champion you have most fun with? Thresh

My Best Champion: Yasuo
My Worst Champion: Vayne
The champion that if on the opponents team is amazing, if on my team sucks: Tough call but I'd go with Vayne
Champion i want to master: Vayne ironically
Champion i have most fun with: Yasuo
  • 3 weeks later...

 - Your best champion? Thresh

- Your worst champion? Vlad

- The champion that if on the opponents team is amazing, if on your team sucks? Shaco

- The champion you want to master? Vayne

- The champion you have most fun with? Lee Sin/Vayne


My Best Champion: Janna

My Worst Champion: LeBlanc

The champion that if on the opponents team is amazing, if on my team sucks: Shaco

Champion i want to master: Rakan

Champion i have most fun with: Rakan

  • 3 months later...
My Best Champion: Cho'Gath
My Worst Champion: any support
The champion that if on the opponents team is amazing, if on my team sucks: Master Yi
Champion i want to master: Vi
Champion i have most fun with: Cho'gath

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