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Out here in the Jungle


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Favourite champ to jungle with?


Who do you think is best?

I'm really considering shaco but I hear he falls off badly late game or some snit

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Gotta make early count with shaco. Get others ahead, not yourself.

Then just back door static shiv and your clone.

My fav jungler: Udyr


Fast clear time


A stun every 6 seconds

Move fast

A shielf


No ulti

Gotta stun the right person

Lack dmg

Amumu is best

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I'm really considering shaco but I hear he falls off badly late game or some snit

He falls off late game if you build him for early game. It's the retards who get fed and rush Infinity Edge who go 'OMG SHACO BAD LATE'. If you fall behind cos you cant gank, max W and farm and build accordingly. Either build Randuins and stuff for teamfighting or build Statik Shiv etc for splitpushing.

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dont play l0l.

Then don't post in the league of legends area? It clearly says league of legends so why come and post you don't play on every thread??

Amumu btw

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Favourite champ to jungle with?



very good early ganks + ganks overall, fun to juke with, can act as assassin (kind of) or splitpusher, great counterjungler, lv6 dragon/fuck lee sin, sucks to be behind

Who do you think is best?

mumu/vi(heard vi good recently for insane clear and damage early and initiation)

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At the moment i have to say xin zhao is the best


He has very high base damage so even if you go tank u wikll do loads of damage

he is very aggressive early levels and even late game

has cc & gap closer

can lock down adc in team fights

can heal from jungle so very easy jungle

isn't really level dependent


he is pretty squshy if u dont get health / armor and will be blown up when u jump in team fights

his cc takes abit before it procs

falls of late game

has no escape so if he gets in there is no way out

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the fact amumu is always banned suggests its a decent jungler, and dat ult for team fights is so sexy

he is only banned in low elo because ppl just clump up and get barraged by amumu
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the fact amumu is always banned suggests its a decent jungler, and dat ult for team fights is so sexy

he is only banned in low elo because ppl just clump up and get barraged by amumu

you sir are wrong he is banned in high elo also not only to do with his ulti but hes ability to tank towers at low level

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the fact amumu is always banned suggests its a decent jungler, and dat ult for team fights is so sexy

he is only banned in low elo because ppl just clump up and get barraged by amumu

you sir are wrong he is banned in high elo also not only to do with his ulti but hes ability to tank towers at low level

if u compare him with malphite its not even close he only got banned a few times in high elo because of the mf combo but now that bc is nerfed and ppl know how to go up against it u hardly see him gettin banned sicne there are way more champs that need to get banned kha'zix elise etc
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Fatality do you have down syndrome mate? He's banned in most high elo games due to the fact his ulti is a team fight changer and he does a shit ton of damage while building tanky due to his W and the fact it works off % max health.

The only way you fuck him over is by fucking him over early, but that's only a temporary solution since once he hits 6, he will fuck shit up. I've counter jungled Amumu's before and made them go 0/4, them being level 2 when i'm level 6, regardless of what you do, his ulti has more utility than a majority of other jungles.

You also can't compare him to Malphite since they're both different in each aspect, the only thing the same is that their ulti is AOE, however Amumu's has a higher AOE and can be cleansed, Malphite's cant.

Edited by Blitz
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