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Jagex brings back rs, what do?


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What's the first thing you would do if they brought back rs BEFORE the eoc?

Personally, Id strap on a sock, buy 20M and start from there. Play sparingly, maybe join FOE again considering id be able to make trips.

Bs with old friends... Good shit.


You actually had friends?


umm depends on whether I would have to start on cb 3 or not


i will go kill every fucking cunt in edgevill around my cb lvl. but they probably won't u'll have to start from scratch. gdf



Convince Evan, Rob, or RobQ to bring back Valhalla.

Take over the mid bracket once again.


You actually had friends?


tj joins back and we re open team TUFF YO

hi tj btw :]


No idea haha, PK nonstop if it's 2010 servers.

Good old PvP/Bh era


Nothing because it will still be the same old 2012 shite runescape


Hi Tj. Probably turn a bot on, lol.


tj joins back and we re open team TUFF YO

hi tj btw :]

...then you can all be bullied and run to eop


I'd rather stay on this server, I have a great pure on Runescape but I like this server way more then original RS, just because there's so much new shit going on on RS, titans everywhere, BS has the oldschool stuff.


Continue playing league if it's 06 era fuck that shit

Maybe i'll bot an acc for minis and preps if it's around '10 or even 12 before armor updates lol


Maybe if is rs before turmoil otherwise it would still be a bad game.


idk probs go on with my life being a hench cunt

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