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07 is stupid

Perm Oil

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are you retarded lol

coming from a forum mod for a battlescape clan

if you think 2007 is a good idea, you're a spastic.

i played battlescape once? its absolute shit? lol tries to be 2006 based but throws in chaotics etc

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'i dont want to play something therefore it's a bad idea'

shut up u neek no1 cares

No, it's a bad idea because of the things I made in my post.



are you retarded lol

coming from a forum mod for a battlescape clan

if you think 2007 is a good idea, you're a spastic.

i played battlescape once? its absolute shit? lol tries to be 2006 based but throws in chaotics etc

I play battlescape because it's almost like 2012, battlescape doesn't try to be a 2006 server, its 2007 based.

But they add these chaotic/kiln capes and other stuff to appeal to the people who came from rs when it died.


'i dont want to play something therefore it's a bad idea'

shut up u neek no1 cares

No, it's a bad idea because of the things I made in my post.


its clearly not though is it because a majority of people think it's a good idea, whether or not a game will be a good idea is based off of how many people would enjoy it, u may be a little neek who only enjoyed sitting there masturbating over ur summoned honey badger while killing level 60 mains in the white portal using your extremes, but other people enjoyed the game without that stuff.. it's not like prior to 2007 u were like 'i cbf to play this game anymore, there arent even any potions that are better than super.. and you can't even summon shit.. ' is it. jam ur hype rudeboi

Posted (edited)

'i dont want to play something therefore it's a bad idea'

shut up u neek no1 cares

No, it's a bad idea because of the things I made in my post.


its clearly not though is it because a majority of people think it's a good idea, whether or not a game will be a good idea is based off of how many people would enjoy it, u may be a little neek who only enjoyed sitting there masturbating over ur summoned honey badger while killing level 60 mains in the white portal using your extremes, but other people enjoyed the game without that stuff.. it's not like prior to 2007 u were like 'i cbf to play this game anymore, there arent even any potions that are better than super.. and you can't even summon shit.. ' is it. jam ur hype rudeboi

Yep, and when idiots who were "all for these epic new 2007 servers" realize that instead of clicking a tab that get's them across the map. They get to walk there! That' right, you get to walk all over the game, no sense in afking, who has a life anyways?

You even get to sit there and spam for an hour trying to buy a rune scim, you used to be able to buy it with 2 clicks! I hope you enjoy your game, I can picture a majority of these naive children quitting within 5 months. I wish these idiots would go play some shit server like Projectrs06 instead of bitching about how they want their 2006/2007 servers back. Some of us took the initiative to obtain things like chaotics/dung/overloads, while the rest of you sat there jacking off to league of legends. Shoot yourself you lifeless neckbeard

Edited by Perm Oil

anything is better than the current one


This is why you feel offended:

"you're a spastic.", "when all of you idiots quit",etc. :)

You think your opinion is the only right one. You think you are the one who can judge about whether an update was good or not. What you do not seem to understand, is that there are no "good" or "bad" updated. It depends on what kind of game you prefer to play and what you enjoy more. Thank god not everyone enjoys the same things in life :)


This is why you feel offended:

"you're a spastic.", "when all of you idiots quit",etc. :)

You think your opinion is the only right one. You think you are the one who can judge about whether an update was good or not. What you do not seem to understand, is that there are no "good" or "bad" updated. It depends on what kind of game you prefer to play and what you enjoy more. Thank god not everyone enjoys the same things in life :)

people who tend to play the same game (Runescape), a majority of them tend to have the same view on larger scale updates such as the EOC, seeing as thousands quit when it was implemented. A majority of people want the same thing, which is Pre-eoc Runescape, but the ones who quit or who were inactive during the years leading up to 2012 want old servers back because they missed out on the enjoyable things such as summoning/turmoil/overloads, the ones like me who got these things enjoyed them very much. And when you go off and spew random observations about how there weren't any good or bad updates just seem clueless because they can't come up with a legitimate response.


Stuff we would have as of August 2007: Godwars Dungeon. Dragonfire shields. Implings. Pest Control nerf. Dark bows. Varrock graphics update. Wilderness ditch. Barbarian assault. Tutorial island.

Things we would not have: Summoning. Dungeoneering. The Grand Exchange. The trade limits. The Wilderness removal. Tradable Law Talismans. Smoking Kills and Slayer points. PvP worlds. Resting. Dragon pickaxes and handcannons. Multi-rune crafting. Extremes/overloads.

People need to seriously look at the positives compared to the negatives, these people don't realize these things we are losing were made to help us and make us enjoy the game even more.

Godwars was 28th of august


Stuff we would have as of August 2007: Godwars Dungeon. Dragonfire shields. Implings. Pest Control nerf. Dark bows. Varrock graphics update. Wilderness ditch. Barbarian assault. Tutorial island.

Things we would not have: Summoning. Dungeoneering. The Grand Exchange. The trade limits. The Wilderness removal. Tradable Law Talismans. Smoking Kills and Slayer points. PvP worlds. Resting. Dragon pickaxes and handcannons. Multi-rune crafting. Extremes/overloads.

People need to seriously look at the positives compared to the negatives, these people don't realize these things we are losing were made to help us and make us enjoy the game even more.

Godwars was 28th of august

That's in August still arnie


they missed out on the enjoyable things such as summoning/turmoil/overloads,

you mean everything that made this game easy as shit right


they missed out on the enjoyable things such as summoning/turmoil/overloads,

you mean everything that made this game easy as shit right

Nah, things that made it interesting.


idk about you but soloing KQ in veracs was pretty interesting to me seeing shit was actually difficult back then


idk about you but soloing KQ in veracs was pretty interesting to me seeing shit was actually difficult back then

Yeah, I used to love soloing KQ in veracs as a pure.

Even on a main, 2012 people would still use veracs so I don't know what you're talking about.


sorry but tbh rs 2006 to rs 2012 is almost the same update as rs2 to eoc.

and that once again sir is YOUR opinion. Not everyone has to agree.

I clearly see where you are coming from. You can still not expect everyone to share your thoughts


sorry but tbh rs 2006 to rs 2012 is almost the same update as rs2 to eoc.

and that once again sir is YOUR opinion. Not everyone has to agree.

I clearly see where you are coming from. You can still not expect everyone to share your thoughts

From 2006 to 2012, the combat system was completely the same. Just graphical tweaks, and new weapons.

Not really sure where you are coming from


idk about you but soloing KQ in veracs was pretty interesting to me seeing shit was actually difficult back then

Yeah, I used to love soloing KQ in veracs as a pure.

Even on a main, 2012 people would still use veracs so I don't know what you're talking about.

your statement would be correct if the kalphite queen wasn't dead content after god wars was released


idk about you but soloing KQ in veracs was pretty interesting to me seeing shit was actually difficult back then

Yeah, I used to love soloing KQ in veracs as a pure.

Even on a main, 2012 people would still use veracs so I don't know what you're talking about.

your statement would be correct if the kalphite queen wasn't dead content after god wars was released

Not sure how it was dead content seeing as every time I went there there was always people there.

I have multiple friends in PvM clans, and they would frequently visit KQ.


I'm gonna go play some xbox, sorry I won't be able to read your post sefket


are you retarded lol

coming from a forum mod for a battlescape clan


I would like to be forums mod :p

no seriously you must understand that there are many old school who played this game when you still went to kindergarden and they enjoyed the game for what it was.

Its like when people who do not know old rs start arguing about eoc being cooler than rs2 because eoc has sooo many more options and it takes soo much more skill, right?

I started this game when i was 8 (2003), and I don't want it to downgrade to those shit graphics, and those shit old ways that we used to enjoy before we were introduced to something BETTER.

The things they added after your beloved 2007 were added to help us, and make us enjoy the game a lot more.

I loved playing rs back then, but it is merely nostalgia, I know I probably just overloaded your foreign brain, but please try to think before you post.

You just sealed yourself as a forum enemy lol. Most of us loved the game before they made major changes. You probably didn't pk much, so Ill let your statment fly. But on the other hand, jagex has progressively ruined the pvp aspect of the game. The keep coming out with new updates to draw in new players but they've only killed out the current ones. I think the 2 biggest mistakes they made were 1 wild removal and 2 hp into constitution 1000 hp bullshit. If they come back with a 2006-2007 rs, I wouldn't complain. As long as they true to the way we want it.

I mean hitpoints changing. Now you could be hit a 468hit, 187veng, 19 recoil, 17 in blue numbers ( still no clue)

The grand exchange.

really just leave these two aspects. Pking was so different if you quitt in 2006 and would have come back in 2012.

The grand exchange changed the whole interacting. The communtiy. The game.


Honestly think the GE was single handedly one of the best updates they added.

Although, it did change the community as a whole. People stopped using the one thing that brought us all together. The forums.

Posted (edited)

they won't implement the GE which is good, means people will actually have to talk ingame to buy shit again

wonder if there will be a new W2 fally


Edited by Ikz

they won't implement the GE which is good, means people will actually have to talk ingame to buy shit again

wonder if there will be a new W2 fally

Lol I remember that shit. Was so packed and lagged too like a whole minute to get to the other side. xD

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