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The Ideal Ranked 5s Team


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I was just scouting ranked results on lolking.net, and wondered what y'all think the best -in lane- 5s team would be.

Stastically I have come to the conclusion that you want Amumu Jungle, Twisted Fate Mid, Kayle Top, and Taric+Sivir/Miss Fortune Bot lane.

Thats taking into account top lane match up win rates, mid lane match up win rates, jungle match up win rates, and Bot lane synergy win rates.

So it only slightly takes into account late game...

Opinions on the perfect 5?


Some people would say Darius top, amumu jungle, kassadin mid, blitzcrank+mf bot

but darius always banned as is amumu tbh, and its looking @ statistics!


ryze mid

dyrius top

blitz bot

teemo adc bot

amumu jungle


Pretty sure statistics dont mean shit when you can counter champs


MY champion is called Mash he has an ak47 and bombs attached on his belly wanna play him?

pay 60$


teemo adc dunno if i should laugh or cry btw


kill y0self


Pretty sure statistics dont mean shit when you can counter champs

ur an idiot

every 1 of those champs has a 50+% winrate vs ALL other champs in their lane/area

Posted (edited)

Wickds Ireilia top

Misaya Twisted Fate

Snoopehs Amumu


Ed Wards Sona

Every champ is the same just depends on how well you play them.

For TF capabilities.

Nasus, Amumu, MF, Sona, Gragas

Edited by DeltaPapa

teemo adc dunno if i should laugh or cry btw

cry 4 the other team h3h

Posted (edited)

Poke comp: Jayce top

TF mid

Cho jungle

Nidalee support

Ezreal ADC

TF comp: Malphite top

Amumu jungle

Mid of choice, in my case i'd take Cho cos he's a cunt but he'll fall off later on, any mid with high AOE damage, like Gragas as Delta said.

Ezreal/MF ADC

Sona/Leona/Alistar support

Now all that looks good on paper, but regardless, if you lose lane or you just can't play the champions, your team comp won't matter. You also need good communication to lock up the stuns and the knockups to chain cc, if you do it too early it'll just have a diminished effect

Edited by Blitz

way too many combos for my thought process


Btw, TF comps get beaten by tanky comps. Once you use all your abilities you having nothing left and they still have theirs and hp.

Poke comps get beaten by good initiation champs


Wickds Ireilia top

Misaya Twisted Fate

Snoopehs Amumu


Ed Wards Sona

Every champ is the same just depends on how well you play them.

For TF capabilities.

Nasus, Amumu, MF, Sona, Gragas

id go for x0's diana mid tho that guy is a legend


Jungle: Amumu

Top: Irelia

Mid: Ryze

ADC: Kog'Maw

Support: Nunu


mid : Ap cho

top: malphite

jungle: Ammumu

ADC: Graves

Supp: Taric tanky/supp

its wayyyyy tooo op


well i guess it goes bit like this for everyone

jungle: amumu coz op stuns

top: id take olaf or renekton, once you get that warmogs you're gonna wreck shit, Nidalee also OK i guess

mid: lots of choices but id go with morgana, morgana with rush zhonyas and GG if not played by a tard, another choice would be Nidalee since those javelins just tear shit up and leaves you with enemy team having 1/2 hp when u engage

support: tarics pretty popular so id go with it, dunno about the banrates though, kayle coz of W+ulti ? any point on that?

adc: MFs pretty op early game and can easily get few kills and just snowball the game


it's not about the stats, it's about the team comp

if you get counterpicked, you can just switch lanes and roll, or eventually turtle till late game if it doesn't work out

Poke comp: Jayce top

TF mid

Cho jungle

Nidalee support

Ezreal ADC

TF comp: Malphite top

Amumu jungle

Mid of choice, in my case i'd take Cho cos he's a cunt but he'll fall off later on, any mid with high AOE damage, like Gragas as Delta said.

Ezreal/MF ADC

Sona/Leona/Alistar support

Now all that looks good on paper, but regardless, if you lose lane or you just can't play the champions, your team comp won't matter. You also need good communication to lock up the stuns and the knockups to chain cc, if you do it too early it'll just have a diminished effect

malphite + amumu comp doesn't have enough damage, if the ennemy team survives the intial burst, the fight is lost. Besides, a poke/kite comp with nida mid totally counters it

so IMO there's no ideal comp, it's just about which team comp counters the other


il change my mid to an orianna


it's not about the stats, it's about the team comp

if you get counterpicked, you can just switch lanes and roll, or eventually turtle till late game if it doesn't work out

Poke comp: Jayce top

TF mid

Cho jungle

Nidalee support

Ezreal ADC

TF comp: Malphite top

Amumu jungle

Mid of choice, in my case i'd take Cho cos he's a cunt but he'll fall off later on, any mid with high AOE damage, like Gragas as Delta said.

Ezreal/MF ADC

Sona/Leona/Alistar support

Now all that looks good on paper, but regardless, if you lose lane or you just can't play the champions, your team comp won't matter. You also need good communication to lock up the stuns and the knockups to chain cc, if you do it too early it'll just have a diminished effect

malphite + amumu comp doesn't have enough damage, if the ennemy team survives the intial burst, the fight is lost. Besides, a poke/kite comp with nida mid totally counters it

so IMO there's no ideal comp, it's just about which team comp counters the other

A malph or amumu counter a nid pokey comp easily.


Jungle: Amumu

Top: Irelia

Mid: Ryze

ADC: Kog'Maw

Support: Nunu


Jungle: Fiddlesticks

Top: Renekton

Mid: Ezreal (AP) - He used to be played AP and is still very effective.

ADC: Kennen

Support: Nunu


it's not about the stats, it's about the team comp

if you get counterpicked, you can just switch lanes and roll, or eventually turtle till late game if it doesn't work out

Poke comp: Jayce top

TF mid

Cho jungle

Nidalee support

Ezreal ADC

TF comp: Malphite top

Amumu jungle

Mid of choice, in my case i'd take Cho cos he's a cunt but he'll fall off later on, any mid with high AOE damage, like Gragas as Delta said.

Ezreal/MF ADC

Sona/Leona/Alistar support

Now all that looks good on paper, but regardless, if you lose lane or you just can't play the champions, your team comp won't matter. You also need good communication to lock up the stuns and the knockups to chain cc, if you do it too early it'll just have a diminished effect

malphite + amumu comp doesn't have enough damage, if the ennemy team survives the intial burst, the fight is lost. Besides, a poke/kite comp with nida mid totally counters it

so IMO there's no ideal comp, it's just about which team comp counters the other

A malph or amumu counter a nid pokey comp easily.

not if you know how to play a comp poke...

  • 1 month later...

The funny is, if you doing something wrong in Ranked, everyone is like REPORTED.


top - xin

mid - diana

jungle - amumu

bot - taric+vayne



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