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What 2007 had


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Posted (edited)

Figured since I know the majority of members in the clan didn't play in 2007 I'd compile a list of what there was and wasn't in August 2007


Dragon longswords,scimitars, daggers (s)[super poisoned] and (p)[poisoned] {6 damage for (s), 4 for (p), 2-handed swords,

Whips, mauls (instant hit spec was available, used when not attacking anyone), dark bows

Magic shortbow had since 2004 had it;s 2x special removed and was increased to 55% spec bar

Dark bow (june 2007) ~ Dan

Ice barrage was the highest level'd pure spell available

Magic potions only increased your magic by 4, damage was capped at 30

Barrelchest anchor

Wilderness ditch released this year

Pest Control Xp NERFED

Wands and Mage book are best magic equipment for pures, infinity was released (before pure clans accepted 20+ defence as pure)

Hunter the latest skill released, chinning available

Accumulator is made available in 2006

Whips are the best weapon for pures above 70 attack, godswords were released late August 2007, will not be ingame in a 2007 reboot.


Fire capes are available

Furies are the best amulet in game, amulets of glory only obtainable through dragonstone drops or crystal keys, the only way to charge them was the Hero's Guild fountain which requires defense.

Climbing boots are 12gp each at the Sherpa in Burthorpe

Recipe for disaster is available, mithril gloves the highest obtainable by pures (adamant became available with the release of Evil Trees, post 2007)

Sharks are best food in game widely available (tuna potatoes were not used often before the grand exchange)

Unholy books are the best shield slotted item for pures, Zamorak pages priced at 200k each


Vengeance is available

Piety released in July of 2007 along with chivalry

2277 total is the max level

Kalphite Queen highest levelled monster ingame, nearly unsoloable by conventional methods

No revenants

Zezima is pretty much a demi god at this point in time

Random events including broken axes, pickaxes, rock golems, river trolls, tree spirits, random watchmen

Barrows equipment best in game

Staking consisted of majorly whip stakes, dds stakes, boxing or mage boxing

Maximum hit was approximately 45 without the use of dharok's


Dragon items available include axe (I believe name was axe at this point, not hatchet), chain bodies (the most expensive ingame item non rare), legs and skirts (2M~ and 1M~ respectively), battleaxes, halberds, med helms, full helms, square shields, maces

Crystal shield is best ingame shield, crystal bow is most accurate bow (karil's xbow more widely used for speed, however)

Skill capes available

The following areas have been graphically improved - Falador, Port Sarim, Lumbridge (before it's 2nd overhaul) Draynor Manor (before it's 2nd overhaul)

Castle Wars, Barbarian Assault popular activities

Soul Wars did not exist

Runecrafting is painstaking, no ZMI or Runespan, 91 Runecrafting is equivalent to a 99 in peoples' eyes

World 66 and World 99 have a law running company, nature rune companies are also widely spread, Larryr has a 120M experience lead compared to rank 2

Duradel highest level slayer master

126 combat is the highest combat possible

Dragon bones are the best prayer experience, gilded altars are available

Many skills did not have a Make All option, Cooking has Cook-X, fletching arrows are extremely fast experience

Majority of gold ingame produced by alching

World 2 Falador park served as the trading hotspot for members, Varrock west bank in world 1 for Free to play

Herbs are unidentifiable until you reach the required level (unids)

Dragonfire shield and draconic visage available

Runes are much more expensive, bloods 600-700 each

Only available death spawn is lumbridge castle

Will add onto list with more ideas

Edited by Dan

Very nice list, forgot some of these.

Thanks :D, still looks fun though.


Love the pure items no more op shit rofl.


No clan wars for set minis, a set wilderness areas was the only option.

Level 50 ports and greaters main pking areas for p2p run ins. Gap in f2p major f2p.

Best melee training spots for pures was bandits if you had the cash.

Best mage training spot was ice bursting at ape atoll dungeon.

Best range training spot was chinning ape atoll dungeon.

If you had 99s as a pure it meant something.

No chaos tunnels.

No Bh crater.

Brb everyones gonna bot and server will be taken down gf.


Pretty sure they will add godwars+ge

Why have you released the 2007 version of RuneScape when we have been asking for a 2006 version?

We don’t have many full backups, and don’t have any from 2006 at all, unfortunately. This version from August 2007 is the most complete (most technically viable). It also sits in a sweetspot in time which has most of the features players have asked for, but is still before the release of the Grand Exchange, which is the cut off point we’ve seen mentioned the most.


woot, Jagex won't even update nor check up on the server so every1 will bot the hell out of it for their accounts, or to just sell gp

sounds amazing!


woot, Jagex won't even update nor check up on the server so every1 will bot the hell out of it for their accounts, or to just sell gp

sounds amazing!

Without botting, playing on these servers would be a extreme pain. Without the large memberbase hunting for drops the prices would be high.


i dont care if people bot, sure more people may have nice stats... they may not.

We wont have 50+ people per clan with botted steel titans which ruined skill in warring, we wont have a need for 20+ defence so clans should be pure again as there is no benefit not being, the older style and system of warring will be brought back which was much more enjoyable.


i dont care if people bot, sure more people may have nice stats... they may not.

We wont have 50+ people per clan with botted steel titans which ruined skill in warring, we wont have a need for 20+ defence so clans should be pure again as there is no benefit not being, the older style and system of warring will be brought back which was much more enjoyable.

i think this is the most intelligent thing you've ever said


Can't wait for the old style 60 attack is the way i loved to pk


ok so do you need membership to play the 07 server when it is released?


Needed tbh :p saved me time looking

Posted (edited)

Needed tbh :p saved me time looking

ye Edited by Wrecka

how will i bot at soul wars =[ they were the days

Guest Tederick

how will i bot at soul wars =[ they were the days

omg you are so pro autograph please

Can't wait for the old style 60 attack is the way i loved to pk

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