Wrecka Posted February 14, 2013 Posted February 14, 2013 (edited) Good topic walli and fuck you making that joke. New fags need to shut the fuck up. You never had to go through all the bullshit jagex put us through. 2005-2007 was the best years. The tutorial island, pking people in edge dung, do unids runs in edge dung, so much good shit back then. Lol yeah bro because everyone that disagrees that it WON'T ever be the same as it was in 05-07 is a newfag, strong assumption brah. It's NOT the same community, if pking druid bots is fun to you then ok. Yes those were the best years, keyword were. Clanning community is completely different, there will be literally bots EVERYWHERE. Which is exactly what killed the social part of RS and rs completely later on. The same ddosing/phishing/ratting/crashing/1 iteming fights will still be around so no preps really.Stop being delusional and calling everyone a newfag who disagrees with it. Lol at tutorial island though didn't think killing a rat with shortbow and bronze dagger was that fun and $15-20 for runescape? srsly? Edited February 14, 2013 by Wrecka
I J3r I Pur3 Posted February 14, 2013 Posted February 14, 2013 usely on rs il had a small friend group the rest every1 was a enemie we used to tag every1 in hybridding (Dutchies pride) But when i started 06 scape i met al those brids again which we tagged ragged everything lol. And we got friends to help eachother in the pain days with no g.e. accept it u have to be social to play without a GE and cant run around flaming every1 spamming YOLO. you dont have to be cb 83 to have fun speccing 30-30 get a small group get resources start making fun at start When it comes out feel free to add my unit of dutchies: Bedankt i J3r i Pur3 Nearly Godz 1def roma gf Lets go
Ollie Posted February 14, 2013 Posted February 14, 2013 Strongly 'Like' this post. We'll see who plays and who doesn't. I guarantee half of these mugs saying they wont play, will. Of course it wont be tje exact same.but neither was 06scape and we had a great laugh on that...
Ollie Posted February 14, 2013 Posted February 14, 2013 Oh yeah Walli can i have Elder please. Adhi said yes but is a lazy mug and hasn't giving me it on forums. Thanks and love you.
Silk Posted February 14, 2013 Posted February 14, 2013 us being a clan grinding together will beta our accounts and we'll be prepared
Got A Big Un Posted February 14, 2013 Posted February 14, 2013 i think the real question is whos coming lvl 3 mage pking ?
Guest Tederick Posted February 14, 2013 Posted February 14, 2013 ONLY THING I AM COMPLAINING ABOUT IS THE PRICE OF MEMBERSHIP FUCK THAT
Jonny Posted February 14, 2013 Posted February 14, 2013 100% agree with Wrecka. I wonder if I will be willing to invest the time. I wonder if I will find joy in the game. The point that there will not be newbs such as me who were proud when they got a rune scimmy in multi :D
Con Posted February 14, 2013 Posted February 14, 2013 100% agree with Wrecka. You cannot beat sitting in W2 spamming away using flash2. Looking forward to the servers, would be really nice to play in an era which I think everyone enjoyed. Skilling, PKing and over socialising was so much better then.
Mash Posted February 14, 2013 Posted February 14, 2013 Oh yeah Walli can i have Elder please. Adhi said yes but is a lazy mug and hasn't giving me it on forums. Thanks and love you. Ollie for leader plz
camels milk Posted February 14, 2013 Posted February 14, 2013 since the whole talk of 06 and 07 with these new servers. far far far too many fucking newfags. you guys have no idea and the amount of bitching and crying i am seeing is truly hilarious. I know for a fact not one person complaining experienced high quality clanning whether in Foe or any of the clans back then (big and small) because if you did you will realise we dont need the retarded glitz glam show pony update bullshit jagex through at the game. We dont need clanwars. We dont need OP weapons We dont need GE. The clan becomes a community again rather than bunch of faggots who hate each other because when the game was like this... 90% of the clan skilled together whether combat or none combat skills. You trained together to get the stats to war and pk, you skilled together to get the supplies whether you worked as a team getting different things or just did the same stuff together. IT WAS COOL TO SKILL. Getting a WC or Mining level didnt mean you were as legit as a naked sefket it meant you were just the same as everybody else. Clans would just war in the wilderness. What i loved from these private servers from 06 is the sense of warring again, the skill being brought back to some extents... a different skill base but one i prefer to the new scape. Where you dont have hp and prayer to see in the top of your screen, where it isnt a numbers game and where defence isnt the be all and end all and OP. You can go into a war out opted and if you spam your balls off and pile better you will win. It also isnt just a mass left click fest (although it prob still will be to an extent as team capes were about although not every1 used./.. i think ) If there are bots then so be it, we will need bots to saturate the economy and boost it... and stabilise it faster.. the quicker we have raw materials in the game farmed the quicker we have set prices. There brings back a whole new market for people who wanna do things such as like... get Mith Glove quest item kits together and sell for 100k a pop etc... things like that without GE. There is so many reasons why that type of game was superior. The reason most of you dont like it because you never experienced a high quality clanning or playing experience during it, you were either with a bad clan or you wernt even pure or you were crap and small. You also have been worn down and become a cancer amongst a cancer of communities where its better to hate than to help. Deal with it. 100% agreed!, wildy was at his peak back then, damn that were good times!
camels milk Posted February 14, 2013 Posted February 14, 2013 Man the game won't ever be the same as it once was.. EVER. The community was huge back then and at it's peak. A lot have quit since then and aren't coming back. There was always someone to kill in the wild, for example people knew to pking. There was always 100s of ppl multi & that's will never happen again. Everyone that will be playing would be the same people who helped ruin RS. That quote above sums everything up quite perfect. Oh yeah and the whole thing about clan wars.. Come on do you really think you're going to be able to prep/mini in the wild without getting crashed/1 item'd/sniped by someone with todays clanning community lol? Inb4 newfag you didn't even play! Nah I did but things changed, people changed. I mean come on even ratting/phishing/ddosing is a normal thing now lol. Spies everywhere it just won't work and won't ever be the same. Lol and the whole rs was ruined and it wasn't a social game anymore etc bots will pretty much run this game since jagex won't be monitoring it at all no bot detection systems. Bots were the thing that killed the social part of runescape?? It will NEVER be the same lol before you call me newfag etc I WAS around and most of the people you'll be playing with are NEW lol. I'm willing to bet not long after it's released everyone will be bitching cause they want kiln/gwd/corp/nex because they can't make money and then they'll just leave. Srs i agree with the pj part but not with the crashing because they already did back in 2006-2007, but yes they did less then now but it was also kinda fun because it gave a bigger challange and everyone regrouped over and over again and went back in to wildy, damn i was in love with runescape back then
i tauntz i Posted February 14, 2013 Posted February 14, 2013 Good topic walli and fuck you making that joke. New fags need to shut the fuck up. You never had to go through all the bullshit jagex put us through. 2005-2007 was the best years. The tutorial island, pking people in edge dung, do unids runs in edge dung, so much good shit back then. Never seen sefket go this hard on a topic
Grifte Posted February 14, 2013 Posted February 14, 2013 Can the newfags handle the effort? 99% of games made nowadays is for lazy casual gamers.
Silk Posted February 15, 2013 Posted February 15, 2013 since the whole talk of 06 and 07 with these new servers. far far far too many fucking newfags. you guys have no idea and the amount of bitching and crying i am seeing is truly hilarious. I know for a fact not one person complaining experienced high quality clanning whether in Foe or any of the clans back then (big and small) because if you did you will realise we dont need the retarded glitz glam show pony update bullshit jagex through at the game. We dont need clanwars. We dont need OP weapons We dont need GE. You also have been worn down and become a cancer amongst a cancer of communities where its better to hate than to help. Deal with it. THIS THIS THIS THIS. 90% of the kids complaining about no ge, cwa, etc. are NEWFAGS. If you didn't clan in 07-pre 07scape you really have no say in this what so fucking ever. You're new, deal with the fact that we had to put up with a lot more bullshit than a lot of you guys ever had to. You don't need a GE. You can spam like the rest of us in w2 fally, I did that for years and years. You don't need clanwars. You can be a fucking man and take it to the wildy. You don't need OP weapons. You can learn to fucking PK like a man, you shouldn't have to two hit someone every 1/3 fights, hell you shouldn't be able to do that period. The fact of the matter is, those that cry about the "slowness" of PvP at the time are one or more of the following: 1. Rs3 Products 2. Absolutely, positively, undeniably horrible at PKing 3. Mentally challenged Sorry that Jagex won't bring back the days of prods, no one had fun then, and none of you that think you're good in battlescape will succeed in 07scape, period. LOL I tell you guys this all the time, the majority of players who started PKing after the removal of the wilderness will not be able to hack it with us old schoolers. -pretty sure on your real life thread you call yourself a vestalong sword prod. lmao. -and now you say be a man and take it to the wildy... lol mate you won't even fight me on a pserver. -i see you as all 3 of the things you stated above. -i didn't clan in 07 , just because you didn't clan doesn't mean your new? are you a thick kunt or something?
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