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2007 Pure stats?


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How are you going to build your pure in the 2007 update?

Going to rush 44 prayer and max cb?

50 att pure for a while?



Range gmauler for a while but idk if there will be gmauls for a while because it reqs 79 slayer so back to dds hehe


60 attack, 13-31 prayer.

keep range/mage/str about even.


hybrid with 60att, altough i remember there weren't many hybrids at that time


range/mage for the first few months


60 attack, 52 prayer, rest 99, old sk00l!


Range gmauler for a while but idk if there will be gmauls for a while because it reqs 79 slayer so back to dds hehe

Its 75 slayer, and tbh i dont think it will take too long.

Someone on pr06 got 81 slayer in a month and half. (albeit 1.5x xp) And i can gaurentee the no lifers on this rs will be a lot quicker.


Gunna be doing it like I was going to on Project06 and work progressively keeping them around the same as others.


Anchor/Maul all night long.


Gonna Max Gmaul for a while, ppl will nolife for slayer anyways, since it will be a big economy with those whips


gonna be my old 40 attck pure :]


11 pray 82 mage and range till g mauls come into the market


99 str 50 atk 82 magic


gonna be my old 40 attck pure :]

Id do this too if they add f2p servers


99 atk

99 str

35 def

99 range/mage

99 hp

99 pray

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