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How do you feel about everyone starting from scratch?


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Personally i think it will be pretty cool, its gonna be fun to see things such as, who is first to 85 slayer etc.

The first whip... First d chain.

What do you guys think?

Also will you play starting from scratch?


Just waiting to see what the details are, not paying $15 a month tho


Idgaf about who got the first 99 or first we. I'll just play I guess. Not going to no-life a game to get first 99. It isn't an achievement lol. I bet you don't tell your friends; hey I got first 99 in str on rs07 & they think you're cool now lol.


Ye il mine my pure ess and make my own runes


Wouldn't mind if it wasn't so overpriced but aint got the time to put into it anymore.


Wouldn't mind if it wasn't so overpriced but aint got the time to put into it anymore.

I have enough time to play, but not going to pay twice the membership costs, don't see myself playing enough for it to be worthwhile.


I wont play rs again I quit it before EOC.


Wouldn't mind if it wasn't so overpriced but aint got the time to put into it anymore.


to be honest, i feel pretty good about starting from scratch. wont have nearly as much time as i did before to max out accounts, but the few hours a week i will be able to spend ill enjoy playing a game that was a big part of me "growing up". dont need max stats to pk/enjoy the game. 1-70 range takes about 2 days if you spend a few hours and not shit at the game. i remember when i would pk with just 70 range and have lots of fun. def looking foward to this update if it goes thorough. the majority of you really need to quit your bitching, you guys begged jagex to bring back old servers and now they bring this poll among us for a simple 5 bucks to vote and all of you are like "omg not paying 5 bucks to vote..." go get a job or prostitute yourselves for a week you cheap fucks


to be honest, i feel pretty good about starting from scratch. wont have nearly as much time as i did before to max out accounts, but the few hours a week i will be able to spend ill enjoy playing a game that was a big part of me "growing up". dont need max stats to pk/enjoy the game. 1-70 range takes about 2 days if you spend a few hours and not shit at the game. i remember when i would pk with just 70 range and have lots of fun. def looking foward to this update if it goes thorough. the majority of you really need to quit your bitching, you guys begged jagex to bring back old servers and now they bring this poll among us for a simple 5 bucks to vote and all of you are like "omg not paying 5 bucks to vote..." go get a job or prostitute yourselves for a week you cheap fucks


Its weird.. u can nolife 90mining for rune but who ru gonna sell it to? who can even pay for it? how much is it worth?




I'm completely against 07 servers, but I'll be playing just to have something to do.

I'll bot the hell out of my acc, and become the strongest mauler in history.


i dont really mind but i miss some of the content we wont be getting


Wouldn't mind if it wasn't so overpriced but aint got the time to put into it anymore.

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